CF 的Clutch对林能否交易到纽约表现出强烈的关注。还特地把帖子分隔出来,独立开帖,一天之内就被读了 31000多次。他还去了解了纽约薪资空间得到林的可能性。
当初毒药合同的结构是让纽约在2014-15年时吞下1千5百万的薪资,然后付个两三倍的豪华税 (假设他们到时也超过征税门槛)。可以对火箭来说情况并非如此— 他们每年平均只需付大概 840万的薪资。
Because the structure of the poison pill then was that the Knicks would have had to take a $15 million cap hit in 2014-15, and pay 2-3 times that in luxury taxes (assuming they remained over the tax line). That would not have been the case with the Rockets -- they had an even (averaged) ~$8.4 million cap hit each year.
If the Rockets trade Lin now, that cap number is transferred to the receiving team. The team has to PAY the $15 million next year, but doesn't take the same cap/luxury tax hit. On top of that, if the Knicks (again, hypothetically) trade for Lin, they would be sending out salary as well.
Bottom line: The financial hit is nowhere near what it would have been for them if they matched Lin's deal.
现在林回纽约的传闻漫天飞舞,SAS 也尬一脚 (他的经纪公司和甜瓜一样是CAA, 大家也都知道他们和尼克斯内部来往甚密,很多时候SAS的消息是相当灵通的。)
火箭: 林,阿西克
尼克斯:钱总,香波,哈达威,费顿 等
当初毒药合同的结构是让纽约在2014-15年时吞下1千5百万的薪资,然后付个两三倍的豪华税 (假设他们到时也超过征税门槛)。可以对火箭来说情况并非如此— 他们每年平均只需付大概 840万的薪资。
Because the structure of the poison pill then was that the Knicks would have had to take a $15 million cap hit in 2014-15, and pay 2-3 times that in luxury taxes (assuming they remained over the tax line). That would not have been the case with the Rockets -- they had an even (averaged) ~$8.4 million cap hit each year.
If the Rockets trade Lin now, that cap number is transferred to the receiving team. The team has to PAY the $15 million next year, but doesn't take the same cap/luxury tax hit. On top of that, if the Knicks (again, hypothetically) trade for Lin, they would be sending out salary as well.
Bottom line: The financial hit is nowhere near what it would have been for them if they matched Lin's deal.
现在林回纽约的传闻漫天飞舞,SAS 也尬一脚 (他的经纪公司和甜瓜一样是CAA, 大家也都知道他们和尼克斯内部来往甚密,很多时候SAS的消息是相当灵通的。)
火箭: 林,阿西克
尼克斯:钱总,香波,哈达威,费顿 等