With 1:23 left, Kevin Durant couldsee it happening. TheThunder
were comfortably ahead of theKnicks, and despite Durant sittingon a near historic kind of line —41 points, 10 rebounds and nineassists — Scott Brooks sentJeremy Lamb to the scoretable tocheck in.
“One assist, right?” Durantsaid to Brooks, holding up asingle finger. “I need one?”
Yep, he did need one. But hewasn’t going to get it. Instead,he’d have to settle for 40-10-9,something only accomplishednow 21 times in NBA history. Oh,as well as a 112-100 win.
“It would’ve been cool to stayin. But whatever. We won thebasketball game,” Durant said.“That’s all that matters. Nodoubt it would’ve been cool toget that but it’s all about the Wand I’m glad we won.”