【爱思特笔记】重点词组讲解 1, Our clock doesn't walk. 我们的钟停了。 2, mend:修理 例句:Let's see and we can mend it. 让我们看看,然后修理修理。 3, cuckoo clock:布谷鸟钟 例句:The old cuckoo clock. 这个旧布谷鸟钟。 4, wooden:木制的 例句:There is a little wooden bird inside. 里面有一只木质的小鸟。 5, wind:上发条 例句:That's because we stop winding it a long time ago. 那是因为我们很久以前就没给它上发条了。 6, Daddy pig is setting the clock to the right time. 猪爸爸把钟拨到正确的时间。 7, noisy:嘈杂,喧闹,吵闹。 例句:What a noisy cuckoo you are, George!乔治,你是个多么吵的布谷鸟呀。 8, It's going to do something. 它是要做什么。 9, once an hour:一小时一次 例句:Cuckoo only comes out once an hour. 布谷鸟一小时就出来一次。 10, Waiting is boring. 等待好无聊呀。 11, George is running fast than he has ever run before. 乔治跑的比以前哪次跑的都快。 12, fast asleep:熟睡的 例句:Daddy and mommy are fast asleep. 爸爸和妈妈都睡熟了。