An update for console players:
Many of you have asked for it, and here it is: a massive status update post in regards to where we are with the porting of the 1.2 PC update to consoles. We will roughly sketch the progress of implementing the new content and mechanics and answer some questions that have popped up in the last weeks! Please note when responding to this post that we can not and will not elaborate on possible completion / release dates other than the “early 2014” that 505 Games has announced.
In general we are happy that the progress of porting this massive update to consoles is going smoothly, we have not encountered many problems or seemingly impossible-to-port content. First thing to mention (since we got a lot of questions about it) is that we will not be releasing any more intermediate partial 1.2 updates until the full update is done (no more “waves” of content). There are so many relations and dependencies between the various content in the update that this would simply overcomplicate the port process and delay the full release which we think is more important than some more teaser content. Second thing would probably be: “are we going to miss out on anything on consoles?”, and the answer is will not get the 10 additional inventory slots that were introduced on PC, but so far that is all.
General progress made in 2013:
- all new wall types (80) are added
- all new tile sets (106) are added
- mini map has been adjusted to display colors for new bricks, ores and walls
- new clouds are added
- Rain event is added
- About 50% of new recipes are added
--- new subcategories for recipes are added
- Torches and switches can now be placed on walls
- new moon variations have been added (and randomized)
- new hammer and pickaxe behaviors have been added (except half-tiles)
- Armor dye system has been implemented (code only, still requires interface redesign)
- Tile painting system has been implemented (still requires some work on paint tools mechanics)
- New sound effects are implemented
- Sun Eclipse Event has been added partially (about 80% complete)
- Dungeon redesign has been implemented
- Jungle Temple has been implemented
- Variations for doors, pots and chests have been implemented
- Lastly, about 400 new items were added including all banners, furniture that uses wood variations and vanity sets
We are currently working on the Pyramids, Crimson Biome, Pirate Invasion and Actuator mechanics and in between all of that we are also fixing bugs that are reported. We also rewrote the entire lighting routines on PS3 to prevent performance drops in split screen.
That’s it for now, we will try to keep you up to date as work progresses, especially if we encounter anything else that is not going to work on consoles, but so far it is looking good.
Many of you have asked for it, and here it is: a massive status update post in regards to where we are with the porting of the 1.2 PC update to consoles. We will roughly sketch the progress of implementing the new content and mechanics and answer some questions that have popped up in the last weeks! Please note when responding to this post that we can not and will not elaborate on possible completion / release dates other than the “early 2014” that 505 Games has announced.
In general we are happy that the progress of porting this massive update to consoles is going smoothly, we have not encountered many problems or seemingly impossible-to-port content. First thing to mention (since we got a lot of questions about it) is that we will not be releasing any more intermediate partial 1.2 updates until the full update is done (no more “waves” of content). There are so many relations and dependencies between the various content in the update that this would simply overcomplicate the port process and delay the full release which we think is more important than some more teaser content. Second thing would probably be: “are we going to miss out on anything on consoles?”, and the answer is will not get the 10 additional inventory slots that were introduced on PC, but so far that is all.
General progress made in 2013:
- all new wall types (80) are added
- all new tile sets (106) are added
- mini map has been adjusted to display colors for new bricks, ores and walls
- new clouds are added
- Rain event is added
- About 50% of new recipes are added
--- new subcategories for recipes are added
- Torches and switches can now be placed on walls
- new moon variations have been added (and randomized)
- new hammer and pickaxe behaviors have been added (except half-tiles)
- Armor dye system has been implemented (code only, still requires interface redesign)
- Tile painting system has been implemented (still requires some work on paint tools mechanics)
- New sound effects are implemented
- Sun Eclipse Event has been added partially (about 80% complete)
- Dungeon redesign has been implemented
- Jungle Temple has been implemented
- Variations for doors, pots and chests have been implemented
- Lastly, about 400 new items were added including all banners, furniture that uses wood variations and vanity sets
We are currently working on the Pyramids, Crimson Biome, Pirate Invasion and Actuator mechanics and in between all of that we are also fixing bugs that are reported. We also rewrote the entire lighting routines on PS3 to prevent performance drops in split screen.
That’s it for now, we will try to keep you up to date as work progresses, especially if we encounter anything else that is not going to work on consoles, but so far it is looking good.