1davengers吧 关注:279贴子:20,151

『文文』To the very best time



IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-01-28 18:05回复

    IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端2楼2014-01-28 18:06
      Dear Niall,
      I remember u.
      While I wish I'll forget u then u won't have a cold.
      It's a joke but not funny,isn't it?
      I miss u Niall.I hate doctor.
      They always let me eat some pills and tell me that u R died.
      I know u won't.U still be with me,I know.
      Niall,my mom told me that she'll take me home tomorrow.I'm wondering u'll be with her.
      Hey Niall,the game is over.Not funny.Come back I miss u so much.
      If u won't be back I'll go to find u.
      Wherever u R,I'll find u,promise.

      IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端3楼2014-01-28 18:17

        IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端4楼2014-01-28 18:22

          来自Android客户端5楼2014-01-28 18:31
            Dear Niall,
            My mom took me home today.
            She still drove her old car.I asked her why she never changes her own car.
            She told me that my dad loved this car like loved his own life.She must keep it because my dad last words.
            I miss my dad.He devoted himself to my mom and I.Also,his work.
            Where R u now?Miss u so much.
            P.S. Today mom cooked potato.It tasted very nice,I asked her to cook it tomorrow.So will u come here and have the lunch with us?My mom will allow we have the lunch in the garden.

            IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端6楼2014-01-28 19:24
              Dear Niall,
              It's the third one.
              U need to write back to me!
              My friend invited me to the Christmas Eve's party.They all have their own boyfriend.
              I don't wanna go there alone.U need to come back here and be with me.
              If not,I'll be angry and I won't talk to u!
              Come back right now.
              BTW,I miss u.

              IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端7楼2014-01-29 13:24
                Dear Niall,
                U never come.
                I'm angry about what u did.
                I won't forgive u unless u come back here and play the guitar for me.While now I can play"What makes u beautiful".
                I still remember u played it and told me that u love me.It's my best day among my life.
                See how,I exactly forgive u.
                But it's nothing,u always forgives me when I did something wrong.
                U always it's ur wrong when I did something real wrong.
                All right,I'll forgive u.Maybe u R busy in writing new song?
                I book the new tour ticket.I believe I'll see ya in London soon.
                Miss u.
                Write back to me if u have time.

                IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端8楼2014-02-03 22:54

                  IP属地:内蒙古9楼2014-02-03 22:55
                    Dear Niall,
                    It's my birthday today.
                    I invited Phoebe to my birthday.
                    Harry and Phoebe are the best couple,I swear.Phoebe's pregnant now.Harry is so happy.
                    Niall,I still remember what u said.U told me that if we get married we need to have three babies.Then u'll take them travel around the world.U'll be the bast father.
                    I'm sure u'll be the best father.But now,I guess Harry will be the best husband and the bast father.
                    Phoebe's so happy..I'm just..Just admire her.
                    Niall pls be back.

                    IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端10楼2014-02-04 20:17
                      Dear Niall,
                      Well,I guess I'll get married soon.
                      I met Andy,he's perfect.Just like you.We have fallen in love with each other about a month.
                      He proposed to me last week and..I said yes.
                      Niall,I'm so sorry.I said I'll be alone then one day I'll go to the heaven to find u.
                      Sorry,forget what I said.
                      I can't be alone always.At night,I can't sleep because of u.I miss u.U R still on the bottom of my heart.While it's the time for me to forget u.Mom told me that u'll be happy if u know I forgot u and start with my new life.
                      While I don't think so but I still do like this.Don't hate me,Niall.
                      I still love ya,but just a little tired of waiting someone who won't be back.
                      Wait for me,Niall,in the heaven.

                      IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端11楼2014-02-05 13:39

                        IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端12楼2014-02-05 13:39
                          Dear Niall,
                          I'm happy with Andy everyday.
                          He loves me so much and I'm pregnant now.
                          He's a boy.I'll call him Anderson Nialler Smith.Andy knows our story.He just said yes it's a pretty name when I told him my opinion.
                          I just wanna say thanks to him even I can't love him as my life.Because u R here and I can't let u go from my heart.
                          R u OK there?Have u ever found u Mr.Left?I wish u wait for me there.But..U can also find u lover there because I...
                          Love ya,Niall.
                          P.S.Maybe There is something wrong with my heart.Maybe I'll go there for ya soon.

                          IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端13楼2014-02-05 13:45
                            Dear Niall,
                            Just two months.
                            I'll go there for ya.
                            My little Nialler is three years old now.I have to leave him.I don't wanna say anything.Niall,I'll stop writing to u.The rest of my life,I wanna stay with my husband and kid.
                            Niall,wait for me.

                            IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端14楼2014-02-05 14:10
                              Dear Niall,
                              I can't write more.Sometimes I can't breath.
                              My poor Nialler..He's so young..

                              IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端15楼2014-02-05 14:10