首先,乃需要知道,在神夏里出现的华生博客其实真的存在,搜索“the blog of john watson ”出来的第一项即是。点进去是博客列表请往下拉翻到最后一篇,那是第一篇。它是剧组做的一个网站,与剧集情节同步,就好像那两个人真的存在。里面有一些剧中提到的案件,直到两年前夏洛克死,花生留下一句无标题的博文“我永远相信他”然后这两年间再也没有更新,直到三个月前。
That I, John Watson, was Moriarty. I could see the look in Sherlock's eyes - a flash of, not anger, but hurt. For a second, he looked like a little, lost child. I should have been horrified that he'd even doubt me for a second but, to be honest, it was so refreshingly human of him. He actually did value our friendship. He did, despite himself, care.
看完203了……我哭了两次,第一次是molly说“what do you need”,他从黑暗里走出来,红着眼睛回答“you”,瞬间秒杀……当时就伤心得不得了,之前有几个地方夏洛克的孤独和迷茫也处理得非常好这个改天再说。第二次当然就是他掉着眼泪和花生打电话……我从他抖着声音打电话一直哭到麦考夫捂着脸才彻底停住……我何其幸运啊不用日思夜想第三季!!!!!?