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HL2模组 已经通过steam


经过机翻得到的MOD名 咋一看是HL1MOD的复刻版
故事发生在黑山基地 虽然是在黑山的 但是看模型不像黑山起源的
吧友们可以去试试 MOD还是不错的 质量也不差 现在有2个演示版本
待会一一上传 现在先放英文介绍 吧友们来翻译一下把
You are the Major Darren Wilson; working in the Military Research Division of the Black Mesa Research Facility based in New Mexico. As you step into the suit of this great hero something goes terribly wrong. Recent events of system failures and corrupted terminals have been leading to the ultimate disaster that would change the world forever. You, unlike most of your colleagues, survive only to witness the once clean heavenly hallways turn into a battle ground of terror and death. The military and aliens begin war as you're stranded underground. By any means necessary you must reach the surface, and trust no one...

http://yunpan.cn/QDHfXsXvPd5EU 第一个测试版本
http://yunpan.cn/QDHyz2xhgTitj 第二个测试版本 貌似是补丁
这款MOD一看就质量很好 但是兼容性和在哪个HL2版本使用我没测试过 不过应该是黑山起源还是HL2 大家可以去亲自试试 不过机翻也不准确 可能是

IP属地:浙江1楼2014-01-01 15:38回复