“Good afternoon,Mr.and Mrs.Harrison,I’m ready to go to the airport.Though I’m reluctant to leave,I have to. I cannot say any words to explain my gratitude for your care this year It’s time.Now it’s time to say good bye.”张悦轩不舍地对他们说。
“Oh,guy,I’m so reluctant,too.You have brought us so much happiness and……”那位满头白发的女士说着说着就哽咽了,扑在丈夫的怀里轻轻抽泣。
“Calm down,darling!”Harrison先生宠溺地轻拍着妻子,对张悦轩说,“Sky,(天天的英文名,因为不知道他现实生活中的英文名叫什么,只好叫Sky啦= =)havin been staying with you for one year,I think you are too dumb.You kept silent most of time when there were many people.I know you are a good guy and you are gentle,but if you can be more outgoing,I think you will be happier than you were.I really wish you have a bright future.Bon voyage!”Harrison先生厚厚的镜片下,深蓝色的眼眸闪着光,看着眼前这个高大帅气的小伙子,这一年的一幕幕都在脑海中重现。
分别与Harrison夫妇拥抱后,张悦轩走出了这个自己住了一年的家,在栅栏外,将行李放在车的后备箱以后,他回头看着这幢4层的欧式别墅,看着两个在门口挥手微笑的老人,不舍地大声说:“See you! I love you!”然后他跑过花园小路,再一次深深地和Harrison夫妇拥抱并轻吻他们的脸颊,缓缓地再在这种满花草的花园中走一圈,走出花园钻进了车里。车向机场驶去,摇下车窗,张悦轩久久地回头凝望着一直站在门口的老人,直到再也看不见。