Whether or not you believe in God, you must believe this. When we as a species abandon our trust in the power
greater than us, we abandon our sense of accountability. Faith . . . all faith . . . are admonitions that there is
something we cannot understand, something to which we are accountable . . . With faith we are accountable to each other, to ourselves, and to a higher truth. Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed. If the outside would
could see this church as I do . . . looking beyond the ritual of these walls . . . they would see a modern miracle . . . a brotherhood of imperfect, simple souls wanting only to be a voice of compassion in a world spinning out of
Are we obsolete? Are these men dinosaurs? Am I? Does the world really need a voice for the poor, the weak, the
oppressed, the unborn child? Do we really need souls like these who, though imperfect, spend their lives imploring each of us to read the signposts of morality and not lose our way?
Tonight we are perched on a precipice. None of us can afford to be apathetic. Whether you see this evil as Satan,
corruption, or immorality . . . the dark force is alive and growing every day. Do not ignore it. The force, though
mighty, is not invincible. Goodness can prevail. Listen to your hearts. Listen to the God. Together we can step back from this abyss.
Pray with me.