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Love is evthing of giving and f


Love and Death is the forever theme for novel, it is true for the movie as well.
So there is no reason to stop "A walk to remember" become a lovable movie.Actually the story is quite similar to the "love story" by Erich Segal.Love that changes life was faced with death, but love is always unmountable, as the line goes, you can't see it, but you can feel it.
I like the simplicity of the movie, no parenting, no complications.Just about two young souls coming together and lightening up each other's life.
I was deeply touched by the line Jamie said that "i don't have a reason to be angry with God." True.God has sent her the best gifts of life that other people may have expected but never found all their life.
It's a good guide to learn about love. Love is everything of giving and forgiving. to help your loved ones to realize their dreams, reach their stars, what are even more meaningful than that?
Though i didn't fancy so much of Mandy Moore and Shane West. I found myself can't rem ember Mandy's other songs except for the one she sang in the movie instersting.
anyway, nice story, nice music, nice movie makes a nice class.

IP属地:甘肃来自Android客户端1楼2013-11-27 09:31回复