下面是编剧/制片人Greg Plageman对于那段亲吻的解释,很明显了,就是爱情,而且是编剧们自认为铺垫了很久的.......
Ask: That moment where Reese kissed Carter came as a bit of a surprise, even though it was being built up to for a while. At what point did you decide to have him consummate that romance?
GP: We ran the same gamut of emotions [over the kiss], and to be honest with you, it wasn't scripted. There was a moment between them, obviously, in the scene where they're sort of divulging their scars and their prior histories, and what we always felt with these two characters is that there would be feelings towards each other. That was never any question from the very beginning, from the pilot, the moment she sat down. We had a nice callback here to that moment.
We felt like it was evident how much these two characters cared about each other and that was the intent of the scene was, and then when we got back, this version of it, the first time Jonah and I even heard of it, we hadn't seen it yet. We'd heard it, and we were like, "Oh, that's not happening. We're not doing that." And we viewed the episode and we made the mistake of going in and looking at the takes where he actually kissed her, and what was amazing was the way Taraji reacted. In her eyes you saw there was surprise but there was also a moment where it didn't feel like, when we watched the two of them, that it felt unearned. It felt like the two characters wanted to go there. The kiss, it was something; a burst of emotion and feeling that he had for her, perhaps the impending stakes of the moment and understanding what was about to transpire.
We got to the end of the episode and we watched it with and without it, we dragged everybody into the editing room and we debated this for hours, maybe three days. We realized when we took the kiss out, it didn't mean as much. ... The actors felt it in the moment, and we were going to take that away, so we decided let's leave it in.
"Person of Interest" airs Tuesdays on CBS at 10 p.m.