Once again the Rockets need to figure out how to play defense. I don't know what kind of defense they run exactly. I watch Lin on the defensive end and he tries to help out too much and leaves his man open way too often. I'm a huge Lin fan but I wish he could play defense better. It's not all his fault but he's got to fight through screens better. If he can get a little stronger on that end and watch his turnovers then he can definitely become an all star. 再次火箭需要去弄明白如何防守。我真的不知道他们打得是什么防守。我看到林积极的去防守,并总是因为帮助队友协防而丢掉自己的人。 我是林的超级粉,但是我希望林可以打出更好的防守。 尽管那并不全是他的错,但他一定要努力做一个更好的防守者。 如果他能变得更强壮些,然后控制住自己的失误,他就会成为一个超级明星
Houston fans are in for many, many heart pounding moments this season when Howard goes to the line...especially in the playoffs. 这个赛季,每当火花走上罚球线,火箭的球迷就会心砰砰的跳,如果打到季后赛,大家肯定最怕的就是霍大傻罚球。
Knicks since they have not won games against Rockets upon Lin departure to Rockets. LINSANITY is ALIVE in Houston Rockets favor. hahaha 自从林转投火箭,尼克斯从来没有赢过火箭,林疯狂又在休斯敦重现了,哈哈哈
It took Melo took around 30 shots to get 45 points. Was his team playing? Oh, I forgot everyone has to pass it to Melo (ball hog) to keep him happy. Give Warriors' Curry 30 shots and he'd score at least 70-80 points easily. 安东尼花了30次投篮才得了45分,他的队友打比赛了吗?oh,我忘了,几乎所有的队友都把球传给甜瓜讨他开心。 卧槽,如果让库里投30次,我觉得他至少得70-80分
TMD 7 hours ago1 14 Felton vs Lin or Bev vs Lin? Come on, be honest! MoreCollapse Replies (1) Reply sf 5 hours ago0 5 LIN is the best compared to Felton & Beverly. 你们还会拿肥顿和林比,拿小贝和林比?诚实点 回复 肥顿和小贝跟林根本没得比