In an interview that the Sankei Shimbun paper published on Tuesday, manga author
Gosho Aoyama hinted that the plot for the end of his popular Detective Conan series
is ready to go, but it may not appear for a while. Aoyama gave very few details about
the ending for the popular series, saying, "I will not betray the hopes of fans."
在周二出版的产经新闻报的采访中,73暗示说柯南结局篇将ready to go,但可能还要等若时间.他几乎没告知结局的任何细节,不过他说他8会辜负我们柯迷的期望!
In an interview that the Sankei Shimbun paper published on Tuesday, manga author
Gosho Aoyama hinted that the plot for the end of his popular Detective Conan series
is ready to go, but it may not appear for a while. Aoyama gave very few details about
the ending for the popular series, saying, "I will not betray the hopes of fans."
在周二出版的产经新闻报的采访中,73暗示说柯南结局篇将ready to go,但可能还要等若时间.他几乎没告知结局的任何细节,不过他说他8会辜负我们柯迷的期望!