非高考英语第一课 英语写作(一) 大写规范 1.每个句子的首字母及直接引语的首字母大写 例:" We will look Bill up, " she said. " Who knows, we may even pick up a diamond while we're there. " 2.人,组织,事件,天体,以及由名称而形成的形容词,首字母大写 例:The rhyme scheme perfectly fits the definition of a Shakespearean sonnet. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and irregularly shaped. The 2008 Berlin International Film Festival awards habe been announced. The Watergate scandals were a series of political scandals during the presidency of Richard Nixon. One role of the International Olympic Committee is to encourage and support the promotion of ethics in sport. 3.特定地点的名称首字母大写 例:Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the center of the borough of Manhattan in New York City.
4.国家,语言,国籍首字母大写 例:What do you know about the history of China or the timeline of Chinese history? Mother Teresa was an Albanian Roman Catholic nun with Indian citizenship. 5.星期中的某一天,月份,以及节假日,首字母大写 例:Forget Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, hey, it's Friday night. The football season lasts from August to January. It's a big holiday season, with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all about evenly spaced in the last three months of the year, and then New Year's. 6.商标和产品名称首字母大写 例:My granny knows much about Internet, World Wide Web and Microsoft Word. Coca Cola, John Hncock, Kodak, Panasonic, Samsung, Swatch, Time International and Xerox were the sponsors of the last Olympic Games.
7.书籍,杂志,报纸,文章,故事,传说,电影,电视节目,歌曲的标题以及类似的情况下,首个单词首字母大写,其他单词首字母一般也大写,冠词、连词和五个字母以下的短介词除外 例:Write an essay on Robert Frost's well-known poem, " Stopping by the Wood on the Snowy Evening. " 8.亲属关系用作称呼时,或亲属关系后面跟着名字时,首字母大写 例:I think Dad needs some time off work. Aunt Carla and Cousin Maggie are going to bisit us over the weekend. 9.人名前的头衔或称呼首字母大写 例:The soldier wrote to General Smith and asked for advice.
下面是句子练习,句子练习主要是为了让大家熟悉这几个音的正常应用。最好能养成习惯自然而然地发出标准音。一开始念时发音可以夸张一点,速度慢一点,后面到习惯读法比如舌侧音、吞音、连读之类的时候再加快速度。我还是偷个懒,不打音标了,个别不会的词可以自己查。 This sheep is meek. They assembled the ship bit by bit. I took a peek at the price list. He'll pick you up at the school-gate. Is there anywhere to kip down for the night? May I borrow your pen please? She started tipping beans into a pan. The techs on the crew of the movie Avatar are awesome. When I met him in the street, I could hardly remember his name. I've put the key underneath the door mat. The stem of the flower is broken. Stan has never been back again. The branch bent but did not break. Where do you bank? 好,今天的就到这了。明天我更外交外事礼仪。