This might be spoilers. I dunno. Read under your own precaution.
Someone named smealum managed to hack the game and make these mysterious Pokemon appear as normal wild Pokemon.
These Pokemon can't be found in the wild by any means (unless hacking, of course.) and the GTS reads these names as actual Pokemon. Especulation is that Nintendo will release event items or the Pokemon themselves via Mystery Gift... or wait until Z
You know about the rumors that Pokemon #719, #720, and #721 are three hidden pokemon named Diancie, Volcanion, and Hoopa? Well, images of all three pokemon were leaked. This may not be 100% confirmed, but they're there alright.
Those are Pokémon.
I don't know if they're a legendary trio, or if they're unrelated entirely, but they exist.
Diancie is Rock/Fairy
Hoopa is Psychic/Ghost
Volcanion is Fire/Water
Diancie is 岩石/妖精
Hoopa is 超能/幽灵
Volcanion is 火/水I
This might be spoilers. I dunno. Read under your own precaution.
Someone named smealum managed to hack the game and make these mysterious Pokemon appear as normal wild Pokemon.
These Pokemon can't be found in the wild by any means (unless hacking, of course.) and the GTS reads these names as actual Pokemon. Especulation is that Nintendo will release event items or the Pokemon themselves via Mystery Gift... or wait until Z
You know about the rumors that Pokemon #719, #720, and #721 are three hidden pokemon named Diancie, Volcanion, and Hoopa? Well, images of all three pokemon were leaked. This may not be 100% confirmed, but they're there alright.
Those are Pokémon.
I don't know if they're a legendary trio, or if they're unrelated entirely, but they exist.
Diancie is Rock/Fairy
Hoopa is Psychic/Ghost
Volcanion is Fire/Water
Diancie is 岩石/妖精
Hoopa is 超能/幽灵
Volcanion is 火/水I