方艺兰吧 关注:6贴子:39
  • 2回复贴,共1

IP属地:天津1楼2013-11-01 11:44回复
    ①Give a mapping f:X→Y,if for every x1,x2∈X with satisfying x1≠x2, we have f(x1)≠f(x2) Then f is called an injective
    ②Give a mapping f:X→Y,if for every y∈Y,there is an x∈X, such that f(x)=y ,then f is called a surjective x:domain(定义域) range(值域) Y(Ranf/Rancf) Preimage(原像)→image(像)
    ③XR,YR then f X→Y,is called a function and is denoted by(被…表示)y=f(x) properties of function(函数的特性)
    1 boundedress有界性 boundary边界 interval区间 bounded有界的
    Give a fuction y=f(x) with x∈D if for every x in D,there exists an M>0 satisfying 丨f(x)丨≤M
    Then we called f(x) is bounded on D
    2 monotone(单调性) Given a function y=f(x) with X∈I if for every x1,x2 in I with satisfying x1 less than x2,we have f(x1) less than or equal to f(x2),then we called f(x)is a monotone increasing function on I
    3 add/even function 奇(偶)函数
    表示关于原点对称be symmetric -----origin (origin of symmetry)
    4The necessary and sufficient condition of seqvence xn being convergent(收敛)is that ∀ξ>0,∃N,such that for arbitrary n,m>N,the inequality丨f(x)-A丨< holds

    IP属地:天津4楼2013-11-01 11:52
      A large variety of scientific problems arise in which one tries to determine something from its rate of change. For example, we could try to compute the position of a moving particle from a knowledge of its velocity or acceleration. Or a radioactive substance may be disintegrating at a known rate and we may be required to determine the amount of material present after a given time. In examples like these, we are trying to determine an unknown function from prescribed information expressed in the form of an equation involving at least one of the derivatives of the unknown function. These equations are called differential equation, and their study forms one of the most challenging branches of mathematics.

      IP属地:天津5楼2013-11-01 11:52