明靖吧 关注:99贴子:13,618



随候鸟南飞 风一刀一刀地吹你刺痛我心扉 我为你滴血你遗弃的世界 我等你要回 我不想南飞 泪一滴一滴地坠我空虚的只臂 你让我包围我有过的一 切 你给的最美
我又回头去飞 去追 任往事一幕一幕催我落泪 我不信你忘却 我不要我单飞 没有你逃到哪里心都是 死灰 我又回头去追 去醉 就算我追到最后只剩冰雪 天都为我伤悲 冷的爱快枯萎 任漫天风雪覆盖我的心 碎

来自Android客户端19楼2013-11-16 08:40

    来自Android客户端20楼2013-11-16 08:40
      Against Love
      Hence Cupid! with your cheating toys,.Your real griefs, and painted joys,.Your pleasure which itself destroys..Lovers like men in fevers burn and rave,.And only what will injre them do crave. .Men's weakness makes love so severe,.They give him power by their fear,.And make the shackles which they wear...Who to another does his heart submit,.Makes his own idol,and then worships it..Him whose heart is all his own,.Peace and liberty does crown,.He apprehends no killing frown..He feels no raptures which are joys diseased,.And is not much transported,but still pleased...

      来自Android客户端22楼2013-11-27 23:34