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New Students Living Options
Comparison between living on campus and off campus forCSUEB new students
1. Overview
On campus: Pioneerheights are university dorms. They’re located on Harder Road. Each suit has microwave oven, fridge, living room, bath room and 4 bedrooms, can contain 6-8people. Dorms are near Dining commons. There are Panda Express, Subway oncampus, no worry about dining. Laundry room are 24-hours open. Public transportationare covered and connected to Lucky market, BART station and some other publicplaces.
Off campus: There’rea number of apartments and houses around campus or a little far. Usually 3-6people rent a suit together. If living in the nearest apartment, it spendsalmost same time to go to class by living on campus. Apt and houses providemore facilities such as induction cooker and oven.
2. Price
On campus: Livingin pioneer heights has 4 different categories of fee depends on your choice.The rent fee of Tamalpais(use to be I-house) is most expensive since it isnearest to campus. The farther ones are cheaper depends on the distance tocampus. It costs $1200 a month per person on average, including the fee ofdining, electricity, water and Internet supply. However a contract of at leastone quarter needs to be signed. Breaking the contract will cost fine.
Off campus: A suitof apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 living room usually costs $1600-2400 permonth. A suit with 1 bedrooms and 1 living room usually costs $1200-1800. Residentsshould decide how to share rent fee. Residents’ rent fee might be largedifference. If 2 people share a $500-room, each one pays $250. One people livein a main bedroom may cost up to $900. Water, electricity, Internet fee isabout $60-100 besides rent fee. Then add the cost you spend for dining, it’sthe total money you should pay per month. Renting a houses is also an option.Living condition in a house usually better then in an apartment, but it’s20%-30% more expensive. However on average, living off campus is cheaper thenon campus.
3. Transportation
On campus: We canwalking to class and have meals if living on campus. Buses will come to campus every 20 minutes. They’re going to Lucky market and BART station and some otherpublic places. Even if you don’t own a car, your daily life is fine, but going to some places will transits a lot. You can ask your friend to take you thereif it doesn’t happen so often. Thus you don’t have to buy a car if living oncampus.
Off campus: Livingin some nearest apartments is almost like live on campus. You can walk to classas well. However most apt and houses are far from campus. Since living offcampus has no meal plan, you must often go to market. If you have no car, theremust be very inconvenient.
4. Dining
On campus:Different meal plans can be chosen. If the money deposited in the meal plandoesn’t use up, it will be cleaned by the end of a quarter. Dining Commons hasbuffet, different styles of cooking, but more like American tastes. PandaExpress has Chinese food, it got different ratings, maybe you will like it.Subway provides western fast food, most eastern people will not choose it. Youcan also use the microwave oven in the dorm, but no fire or oven is allowed. Thusyou can do very limit in the dorm. However lazy people and non-cooking peoplewill like to live on campus.
Off campus: It’squite free to live off campus. You can buy any food materials to cook anydishes you like. There are all kinds of facilities in the kitchen. You don’tneed to worry about wasting meal plan money. If you want to have meals more quality,live outside from the campus.
5. Other
Besides livingin campus dorm and apartment/houses, there is another option called homestay. Livingin local people’s house is the cheapest option, about $500-600 per monthincluding all stuff. The advantage is that your English level will be promotevery fast. You will be familiar with American culture as well. Disadvantage isthat lack of communicating with other people, feel more lonely, need tocompromise with house owner’s living habits.
New Students Living Options
Comparison between living on campus and off campus forCSUEB new students
1. Overview
On campus: Pioneerheights are university dorms. They’re located on Harder Road. Each suit has microwave oven, fridge, living room, bath room and 4 bedrooms, can contain 6-8people. Dorms are near Dining commons. There are Panda Express, Subway oncampus, no worry about dining. Laundry room are 24-hours open. Public transportationare covered and connected to Lucky market, BART station and some other publicplaces.
Off campus: There’rea number of apartments and houses around campus or a little far. Usually 3-6people rent a suit together. If living in the nearest apartment, it spendsalmost same time to go to class by living on campus. Apt and houses providemore facilities such as induction cooker and oven.
2. Price
On campus: Livingin pioneer heights has 4 different categories of fee depends on your choice.The rent fee of Tamalpais(use to be I-house) is most expensive since it isnearest to campus. The farther ones are cheaper depends on the distance tocampus. It costs $1200 a month per person on average, including the fee ofdining, electricity, water and Internet supply. However a contract of at leastone quarter needs to be signed. Breaking the contract will cost fine.
Off campus: A suitof apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 living room usually costs $1600-2400 permonth. A suit with 1 bedrooms and 1 living room usually costs $1200-1800. Residentsshould decide how to share rent fee. Residents’ rent fee might be largedifference. If 2 people share a $500-room, each one pays $250. One people livein a main bedroom may cost up to $900. Water, electricity, Internet fee isabout $60-100 besides rent fee. Then add the cost you spend for dining, it’sthe total money you should pay per month. Renting a houses is also an option.Living condition in a house usually better then in an apartment, but it’s20%-30% more expensive. However on average, living off campus is cheaper thenon campus.
3. Transportation
On campus: We canwalking to class and have meals if living on campus. Buses will come to campus every 20 minutes. They’re going to Lucky market and BART station and some otherpublic places. Even if you don’t own a car, your daily life is fine, but going to some places will transits a lot. You can ask your friend to take you thereif it doesn’t happen so often. Thus you don’t have to buy a car if living oncampus.
Off campus: Livingin some nearest apartments is almost like live on campus. You can walk to classas well. However most apt and houses are far from campus. Since living offcampus has no meal plan, you must often go to market. If you have no car, theremust be very inconvenient.
4. Dining
On campus:Different meal plans can be chosen. If the money deposited in the meal plandoesn’t use up, it will be cleaned by the end of a quarter. Dining Commons hasbuffet, different styles of cooking, but more like American tastes. PandaExpress has Chinese food, it got different ratings, maybe you will like it.Subway provides western fast food, most eastern people will not choose it. Youcan also use the microwave oven in the dorm, but no fire or oven is allowed. Thusyou can do very limit in the dorm. However lazy people and non-cooking peoplewill like to live on campus.
Off campus: It’squite free to live off campus. You can buy any food materials to cook anydishes you like. There are all kinds of facilities in the kitchen. You don’tneed to worry about wasting meal plan money. If you want to have meals more quality,live outside from the campus.
5. Other
Besides livingin campus dorm and apartment/houses, there is another option called homestay. Livingin local people’s house is the cheapest option, about $500-600 per monthincluding all stuff. The advantage is that your English level will be promotevery fast. You will be familiar with American culture as well. Disadvantage isthat lack of communicating with other people, feel more lonely, need tocompromise with house owner’s living habits.