1 如果一个人遵照她内心去活的话。他要么成为一个疯子,要么成为一个传奇--威尔 史密斯《我是传奇》
2 As with all matter of the herat,you`ll know when you find it-- Steve Jobs
3 Life is simple.You make choice and you don`t look back。忘记是哪里看到的这句话。
4 还一句大概是这样的 Life will eventually find their own way out--似乎是出自 侏罗纪公园。我超喜欢的几句话。大家如果有,下面能跟帖哦~生活需要正能量!
2 As with all matter of the herat,you`ll know when you find it-- Steve Jobs
3 Life is simple.You make choice and you don`t look back。忘记是哪里看到的这句话。
4 还一句大概是这样的 Life will eventually find their own way out--似乎是出自 侏罗纪公园。我超喜欢的几句话。大家如果有,下面能跟帖哦~生活需要正能量!