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【转载】转自 pottermore吧 【翻译】<火焰杯>第四章[回到陋居] 【


一楼上授权截图,感谢 @小钱doris 的翻译

1楼2013-10-06 12:13回复
    未见 end请勿茶楼

    2楼2013-10-06 12:13
      New from J.K. Rowling
      In use for centuries, the Floo Network, while
      somewhat uncomfortable, has many advantages. Firstly, unlike broomsticks, the
      Network can be used without fear of breaking the International Statute of
      Secrecy. Secondly, unlike Apparition, there is little to no danger of serious
      injury. Thirdly, it can be used to transport children, the elderly and the

      3楼2013-10-06 12:14
        Nearly every witch or wizard home is connected to the
        Floo Network. While a fireplace may be disconnected by the use of a simple
        spell, connection requires the permission of the Ministry of Magic, which
        regulates the Floo service and prevents Muggle fireplaces becoming
        inadvertently joined up (although temporary connection can be arranged in

        4楼2013-10-06 12:14
          In addition to domestic fireplaces, there are around
          a thousand fireplaces across Britain
          connected to the Floo Network, including those at the Ministry of Magic, and
          various wizarding shops and inns. The fireplaces of Hogwarts are not generally
          connected, although there have been occasions when one or more has been
          tampered with, often without the staff’s knowledge.

          5楼2013-10-06 12:14
            mistakes can happen. Speaking the name of the destination loudly and clearly
            upon entering the Floo flames is sometimes difficult, due to ash, heat and
            panic. The most notorious instance of accidental misdirection happened in 1855
            when, after a particularly nasty row with her husband, witch Violet Tillyman
            leapt into the living room fire and cried, between sobs and hiccups, that she
            wanted to go to her mother’s house.
            虽然总体上说飞路粉是可靠的,但是还是会发生一些失误。由于炉灰、热量和恐慌,有时候在飞路粉的火焰中大声而清晰地喊出目的地的名字并不是那么容易。最恶名远扬的一次由于目的地错误而发生的事故是在1885年。女巫Violet Tillyman和丈夫发生了一次非常不愉快的争吵后,哭着跃入卧室的火焰中,一边呜咽着打嗝,一边说她要回她妈妈的住处。
            Several weeks later, with no
            clean pots in the house and his socks in urgent need of washing, her husband
            Albert decided that it was time she came home, and took the Floo Network to his
            mother-in-law’s. To his surprise, she claimed that Violet had never arrived.
            Albert, a suspicious man and a bit of a bully, raged, stormed and searched the
            house, but his mother-in-law appeared to be telling the truth. A poster
            campaign and a series of articles in the Daily Prophet later, Violet had still
            not been found. Nobody seemed to know where she was and nobody had seen her
            come out of any other fireplace. For several months after her disappearance,
            people were afraid to take the Floo Network, in case it simply vanished them
            into thin air. However, time passed, memories of Violet faded, and nobody else
            disappeared, so the wizarding community continued as usual. Albert Tillyman
            returned grumpily to his house, learned cleaning and darning spells, and never
            used the Floo Network again for fear of what it had done to his wife.
            几周之后,她的丈夫Albert发现家里已经没有干净的花盆,而且他的袜子实在要洗洗了,他决定是时候让她回家了。于是他用飞路粉去了岳母家。让他大吃一惊的是,岳母说Violet根本没有回来。多疑的Albert带着暴怒找遍了整座房子,但是他的岳母似乎没有撒谎。铺天盖地的寻人启事和一系列登在《预言家日报》上的文章之后,Violet仍然没有找到。没有人知道她去了哪里,没有人看到她从任何一个壁炉中出来。失踪好几个月之后,大家都害怕使用飞路网了,怕像她一样消失在稀薄的空气中。然而,随着时间的流逝,关于Violet大家已经渐渐淡忘,也没有别人又失踪,巫师界一切照旧。Albert Tillyman无奈地回到了家里,自己学习清洁和织补咒语,并且因为害怕妻子身上发生的事情而再也没有使用过飞路粉。

            6楼2013-10-06 12:15
              @叶采莲 叶子你是不是已经看过这篇了?

              10楼2013-10-06 12:17

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