题目:1 公元前490年,波斯军队入侵希腊,在距雅典城26英里的小镇--马拉松登陆。
2 希腊人最终获胜。士兵Pheidippides被派遣从马拉松到雅典传送胜利的消息。
3 尽管他已经非常疲劳并且受伤,但他始终坚持,直到把胜利的消息传到后倒地身亡。
The origin of the marathon
Marathon has a long history and the origin of marathon could date back to BC490.At that time,the Persians'army invaded Greece.They landed in the town called marathon 26 miles far away from the city of Athens .The people of Greece won the wat finally.One of the soldiers called Pheidippides was asked to send the successful message from marathon to the city of Athen. Although he was fairly tired and badly hurt,he over came many difficulties and carried on .He managed to sent the message to the city of Athens,and then he died.
2 希腊人最终获胜。士兵Pheidippides被派遣从马拉松到雅典传送胜利的消息。
3 尽管他已经非常疲劳并且受伤,但他始终坚持,直到把胜利的消息传到后倒地身亡。
The origin of the marathon
Marathon has a long history and the origin of marathon could date back to BC490.At that time,the Persians'army invaded Greece.They landed in the town called marathon 26 miles far away from the city of Athens .The people of Greece won the wat finally.One of the soldiers called Pheidippides was asked to send the successful message from marathon to the city of Athen. Although he was fairly tired and badly hurt,he over came many difficulties and carried on .He managed to sent the message to the city of Athens,and then he died.