h891123吧 关注:70贴子:3,274
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〖10.03】I Do


I believe in family. I believe in fate. I believe you can turn for one second and miss a lifetime, but your past does not dictate your future. I believe the people that you love are your life, that there are things worth fighting for. I believe we should all have the freedom to love, to create family, and not be afraid of who we are. I believe in love. I do. —I Do(2012)

IP属地:北京1楼2013-10-03 19:35回复
    i believe

    IP属地:广东2楼2013-10-03 20:00
      i do

      IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端3楼2013-10-04 08:57
        I do

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2013-10-04 12:09