1. Losing Team. Let’s just get it out of the way right now: losing sucks. I am a fiercely competitive person about everything from how fast I can run up a flight of stairs to how much someone loves me. Since I was a very small child, I wanted to win all things and be the best at everything and if not, challenge myself to try to be the best by beating myself up for not being the best. So, yeah: losing sucks. I am happy for Merritt Weaver and sure, being nominated makes me a winner, except when it doesn’t because I lost. I am fine, I am OK. I’m not broken, just bent. And I will learn to love again.
我就直说吧,losing sucks! 我是个非常喜欢竞争的人,小到我能够以多快的速度爬楼梯大到某人有多么喜欢我。从小我就想在各方面都成为胜利者,不断挑战自己的极限去做到最好,如果做不到我会因此斥责自己。所以,对我来说:losing sucks! 我为merritt weaver 获胜而高兴,获得提名就已经是胜利者,当然除了不能最终胜出,毕竟我输了。我还好,我没有崩溃,只是有些失落。我会继续学习如何去爱。
4. Pre-Parties. Here’s a fun red carpet picture from the Emmy Nominee Reception I went to. I wore a bright tomato red Tadashi Shoji lace dress with Nicole Miller matching shoes. We did kind of Amy Winehouse-inspired make-up and retro hair
for that one. I also went to some parties that night and may have danced a little
这是艾美提名庆祝活动红地毯的照片。我穿了番茄红的蕾丝裙子和设计师 Nicole Miller 的配套鞋。我们做了类似Amy Winehouse 的化妆和发型设计。我那晚还去了一些parties并且跳了会儿舞。
我就直说吧,losing sucks! 我是个非常喜欢竞争的人,小到我能够以多快的速度爬楼梯大到某人有多么喜欢我。从小我就想在各方面都成为胜利者,不断挑战自己的极限去做到最好,如果做不到我会因此斥责自己。所以,对我来说:losing sucks! 我为merritt weaver 获胜而高兴,获得提名就已经是胜利者,当然除了不能最终胜出,毕竟我输了。我还好,我没有崩溃,只是有些失落。我会继续学习如何去爱。
4. Pre-Parties. Here’s a fun red carpet picture from the Emmy Nominee Reception I went to. I wore a bright tomato red Tadashi Shoji lace dress with Nicole Miller matching shoes. We did kind of Amy Winehouse-inspired make-up and retro hair
for that one. I also went to some parties that night and may have danced a little
这是艾美提名庆祝活动红地毯的照片。我穿了番茄红的蕾丝裙子和设计师 Nicole Miller 的配套鞋。我们做了类似Amy Winehouse 的化妆和发型设计。我那晚还去了一些parties并且跳了会儿舞。