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孟买:孟买和德里,从1950年开始,伴随着全世界城市化的发展,现在跻身于全世界人口最多的七座巨型城市之一。美国人口资料局周四公布了2013年世界人口数据。整个孟买地区(包括新孟买,塔纳和勃生以及其他区县)大约居住了1970万人,世界排名第七,它在1950年排名17.这是最早的可靠数据。2011年统计:德里及其附近区县大约有2270万人。是世界城市人口排名第二的国家,仅次于东京。高于传统人口稠密的上海和纽约。在1950年,它只有140万人口,德里甚至没能排进前30.加尔各答是另一个排进30名内的世界人口最多城市。排名第十。在过去几十年,大型城市人口的巨大变化表明(那些超过1000万的城市),那些所谓工业国家的大型城市,现在遍布于印度这种发展中国家,“在1950年,30个人口最多城市有19个在工业国家,在2011年,还剩下8个。”2013年政府数据报告大型中心城市的转移到新兴经济体,例如印度记录表明,城市人口快速增长不断突破新高。共同编写数据报告的Carl Haub,通过邮件告诉TOI,发达国家的城市人口增长很慢或者没有增长。城市化的发展为人们寻求工作和更好的生活起到了重要作用。他补充说,2013年预测,在2011年到2050年,非洲人口将增加13亿,它的增长超过了同一时期的亚洲,亚洲将增长10亿,相比之下,欧洲和北美不会有增长。城市专家指出,事实上,印度的巨型城市已经饱和,“在印度25个人口快速增长的大型城市,22个速度已经降下来了。这不是因为自然因素和出生率下降,而是自然资源无法容纳这些城市,失去希望的人不断离开,穷人和不熟练的劳动力不断加入这个行列。”JNU区域发展研究中心的Amitabh Kundu说。他又补充说道:尽管这样,印度巨型城市仍然会增加1000万人口,这主要因为印度人口的增长速度非常高,远远比发达国家的大型城市高。专家指出,这种巨型城市的人口增长现象反应出发展是扭曲的,毕竟,人们涌入德里和孟买反映出城镇和村长缺少工作机会和基础设施。I

1楼2013-09-20 16:42回复
    印网民评论:Bari(hyd)No wonder, some day the 100 most populous citiesin the world will be from India..难怪,总有一天世界上100个人口最多的城市将出现在印度。Human Being(India)We give birth and live like pigs. Yes this is India.我们不断的生孩子然后像猪一样生活,是的,这就是印度gurdipsingh (Chandigarh)I am really afraid of the consequences of megapopulace without matching infrastructure for water supply and waste disposal.Nothing to celebrate about being a mega city.我非常害怕民众没有大型供水系统和垃圾处理系统等相应基础设施,这样的巨型城市没什么可庆祝的。I

    2楼2013-09-20 16:42
      Prabhav Hiremath()What's the point of this milestone when this cityalso faces a lot of crimes especially rapes. The term mega should also beprefixed unsafe city even though the entire govt. sits over there, there is nosafe environment except them.这样的城市里程碑没什么意义,整个城市面临着犯罪和强奸。整个城市被定义成不安全的,即使这是首都,没有安全的环境,除了政府官员们。anonymous(India)This is not at all an achievement , it shows thatgovt is not developing other cities and people have only a few options left ,which is increasing migration. Each state should develop a few cities andshould provide employment in same state.这不应该看做全面的成就,它表明政府不发展其他城市,人们只愿意待在这两个城市。政府应该均衡发展城市,让其他城市也有相等工作机会。V.K. NAYAR(Location)All the central ministers plus controllingagencies are living in Delhi所有的中央部长和政府机构都在德里I

      3楼2013-09-20 16:42
        vicki(Wellington NZ)replies to V.K. NAYARAlsothe migrant labor and the illegal JJ clusters.还有外来劳动力和非法的JJ群V.K. NAYAR(Location)(译注:这家伙写了很多评论,我在这合并一下)migrated persons from other states are more thand Delhiown........ nice DelhiAll Centrally located offices n gud hospitals areavailable is one of the reasonspecially migrated from Biharmigrated people from other States due to gudoffices n hospitalsDelhi is a gud shelter for earning due to more offices in Centrepeople come from other states and get job in Delhipeople from other states come for earningDelhi is a central place, gud hospitals, more offices,人们从不同的邦迁移过来,,是因为德里比自己的家乡好拥有完整企业中心和良好的医院是原因之一人们特意从比哈尔邦迁移过来民众从其他邦迁移过来就是为了良好的办公机构和医院德里能保证获得应得的收入,因为这里有更多的企业中心人们从不同的邦来到德里寻找工作人们来自不同的邦为了挣钱德里是一个中心,有良好的医院,更多的企业。I

        4楼2013-09-20 16:42
          Dr. Secularism(Location)The largest slum in the world is currentlydharavi. Indiahas an ambitious goal to make the entire country into a slum. Sometimes I miss india, but thenwhen I think of the rat hole it has become, I feel better about my decision. Ifyou can leave now is the time. The spread of secularism is hard to bear. But Iam sure indians love the enhanced values it brings - such as r@pes, scams etcetc.. Before you dare reply calling me a traitor, what is it you are? You comehere and comment .. thats all you can contribute.. so you're as much a traitoras me. Only difference is I got out of the sinking ship, you didnt.达拉维是世界上最大的贫民窟,印度有一个雄心勃勃的计划,把整个国家变成贫民窟。有时候我会怀念印度,但当我想到(印度)变成一个老鼠洞,我庆幸我的决定。如果你可以离开(印度),现在正是时候。世俗主义的传播令人难以忍受,但我确定印度人喜欢它带来的价值提升,就像r@pes,诈骗等等…在你称我是叛徒之前,你是什么?你在这里写评论…这就是你的贡献...所以你和我一样是叛徒。不同的是,我已经离开了这艘快要下沉的船,而你没有。Ron Sundar(USA)Population growth will continue but it isimportant for the government and city planning officials to ensure that thereis the necessary infrastructure for clean water supply, proper sanitation,discipline in traffic flow and ensuring public safety.人口还会继续增长下去,政府和城市管理者要保证基础设施的清洁用水的供应,这是非常重要的。合理的公共卫生,保证公共安全和交通顺畅。Maverick()Have they also counted illegal migrants? if theycount them also then Mumbai will become the most populous mega-city ..and noonewould beat it in next 2-3 decades :)他们算上非法移民了吗?如果算上这些非法移民,孟买将成为世界上人口最稠密的城市,未来二三十年没有谁能击败它I

          6楼2013-09-20 16:43
            Anil Fernandes(Singapore City)Good achievement...keep growing好成绩…保持继续增长Niraj Rana(Pune)With Congress in power it going to be the biggestslum in the world.国会的权利使它变成世界上最大的贫民窟Munish (India)UPA is responsible for this populationexplosion...Missing condoms and Illegal Bangladesh immigration is the realcause. We need to implement 1 child policy like China at-least for families whichcannot afford the responsibilities of the 2nd child.UPA应该为人口爆炸负责…丢失的避孕套和非法的孟加拉移民是真正的原因。我们需要向中国一样的独生子女政策,至少对家庭负责,我们负担不起第二个孩子Aryabhata(Location)GOOD. URBAN POLLUTION AND URBANIZATION ISINCREASING.很好,城市污染和城市化正在增加I

            7楼2013-09-20 16:43

              8楼2013-09-20 16:43