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Grey’s Anatomy


stop thinking like a surgeon
Do you believe in heaven?
As surgeons, there's so many things we have to know.
We have to know what we have takes
We have to know how to take care of our patients
And how to take care of each other
we even have to figure out how to take care of ourself
As surgeons, we have to being know, but as human beings, sometimes has better to staying the dark
Because in the dark, there's may be fear,but there is also hope.I

1楼2013-09-16 19:49回复
    responsibility, is does make suck
    responsibility doesn't go away, it can't be avoid
    Maybe we like the pain, because the feel so good when I sleep
    Failure is a funny thing
    One day, u realized the fairytale is not ture
    the castle, where it maybe not a castle
    Just that happy right now
    Time to die!
    Practice make perfect, information is power
    Never give up until tomorrow,whatever happened today
    Awaking is better than sleeping

    2楼2013-09-16 20:01
      Don't make a big deal about it
      Communication, is the first thing we really learn in life
      Funny thing is, once we grow up
      Learn words, and really start talking
      Hardly come to know what to say or how to ask for what we really need.
      We should do something to cheer her up
      We have something to show u
      Somethings, you keep to yourself
      Somethings, we just don't want to hear
      And somethings, we said because we can't be silence any longer.
      Somethings are more than what a say
      There what u do
      Something u said because there was no other choices
      I was very clear, that love like life.
      is about make choices and fate has noting to do it
      Maybe Romeo and Juliet were fated to be together
      But just for a while, and then their time past
      I wouldn't like some guy drow me down
      Even now, I believe that for the most part
      Love is about choices
      And that sometimes, this is big all ur best choices and all your best times
      Fate wins anyway.I

      3楼2013-09-17 10:54