欧美小众游戏吧 关注:119贴子:723
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MUD的全称是Multiple User Dimension (多用户层面),也有人称为 Multiple User Dungeon(多用户"地牢"),或者Multiple User Dialogue (多用户对话)。它还被称为MUSE或多用户模拟的环境,即Multiple User Simulated Enviroment,是很多用户参与活动的一种计算机程序。正如对其缩写名称的不同解释所指出的 那样,MUD实际上是一种非常广义的说法,是代表所有交互作用环境的通用术语,其它的名称还有MOO, MUSH, MUCK, TinyMUD, AberMUD等等。这些名称根据构成 共享环境基础的软件的不同而变化。虽然MUD可以采取多种形式,但大多数的Mud通常以游戏的形式来体现。因为对交互网络中人际的交往来讲,采用游戏的形式跟贴近人性,更有趣,更容易吸引用户。大部分MUD是通过Telnet来连接参与的,也有很多MUD通过WWW来连接参与。由此可知,MUD当然是和网络技术紧密地结合在一起的。在虚拟现实(VR)技术出现后,可以用VR技术对MUD进行改造。这正是现在MUD制作的热点,但实现上也还有很多很多事情要做的。
在70年代后期和80年代早期,在Internet的起步阶段,就已经有很多人注意到连网可以在游戏方面带给人以前从未有过的乐趣。初期的连网游戏都很简单,例如早期的一种称为"冒险"(Adventure)的游戏。在这个游戏中,他们可以在一个洞穴中漫游,解决遇到的问题,与洞穴中的各种生物进行交往。这实际上就是Mud的雏形。再往后,比较有名的有"龙与地下城"(Dungeons and Dragons) 游戏,或其它的幻想角色游戏。
从历史的角度看,MUD是从Essex大学(英国)的Richard Bartle和Roy Trubshaw在80年代早期所从事的一项人工智能(AI)实验演变而来的。编写于1979-1980年的MUDI被普遍认为是第一个MUD。这项实验的目的之一是判断是否可以开发出一个程序,它能以合适的环境响应来应答多个用户的动作。例如,假如用户将一只花瓶掉在了地上,该程序是否根据地板的材料或随机可能性,判断出该花瓶是否会被摔碎?MUD这一名称来自于Bartle在英国电讯(British Telecom)系统上运行的一个商业性的MUD(其格言是:"没有使用过MUD就不算真正地生活过!")。
像大部分其它充满魅力的概念一样,这种思想在学生当中迅速流传开来,许多新的和经过改善的MUD式程序很快出现在欧洲的学术网络上。大部分程序拥有相关的公告牌系统,以便进行社会交往。由于当时只有少量的UseNet信 息,在英国获得这些信息也非常困难,而且英国的JaNet网络(美国BitNet的姊妹网)不支持FTP或Telnet实现远程登录,因此在充足的Internet出现之前,MUD就成了计算机迷们进行社交活动的主要工具。大约在1988年前后,各种MUD变体越过大西洋,在美国迅速普及开来。它们成了大型网络团体的核心,仅与传统的计算机迷们有一些松散的联系。MUD(TinyMUD及变体)的发展形成了第二次高潮,这些游戏的重点集中在社会交往、难解的问题、构造相互协作的世界等方面,而不是打斗和竞争。

IP属地:上海1楼2013-09-09 10:08回复
    The acronym "MUD" stands for Multi-User Dungeon, although its meaning has changedsomewhat over the years. It once represented a specific multi-player text-based game, whilst today it represents an entire genre of online games, both text-based and graphical.
    In 1978 Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw began working on the first multi-player text-based adventure game. There was not yet any generic name for the genre, but out of all the text-based adventure games then available, Dungeon (a hacked up version of Zork) appeared to be the most popular, thus Roy decided to call the game "Multi-User Dungeon" (although Richard later revealed his suspicion that Roy simply liked the acronym "MUD"!).
    Over the years, many similar games sprang into existence. One such game called Scepter of Goth was actually developed at around the same time as (yet completely independently from) MUD, and it's descendants - most notably the Mordor codebase - are still around today. By 1984 the first commercial version of MUD was available, although it didn't become British Legends until 3 years later. In 1988 Simutronics had it's own pay-to-play game called Gemstone II, a couple of years before Avalon would open to the public. Other pay-to-play MUDs would follow over the years, with the first of the graphical variety making an appearance around 1992, a good few years before such games would start picking up real popularity.
    The really important date from a hobbyist-MUD point of view, however, was the release of AberMUD by Alan Cox in 1987. This MUD inspired many others to go on and create their own text-based adventure games, including three of the most well-known codebases - DikuMUD, LPmud and TinyMUD - all of which had been released to the public by 1990.
    These MUDs in turn then inspired the creation and public release of many new codebases. The advocates of TinyMUD claimed that it's new social (rather than combat) approach placed it in a genre of it's own, giving it's descendants names like MUSH, MUCK or MOO to replace the "MUD" acronym. The Diku fans spawned numerous new codebases derived from the Diku code, such as Circle and Merc - the latter of which was then taken a step further to create ROM, Smaug, Envy and many others. LPmud supporters created various mudlibs, although LP had much less of an "out-of-the-box" approach than it's sisters, requiring more initial effort to set up and having it's own internal coding language. Each of the three major factions considered their variant to be superior to the others, so much so that some people today even deny that any relation exists between their branch of the family tree and the others.
    As the number of MUDs increased into the hundreds and then thousands, it became a constant effort by MUD owners to try and distinguish their games from each other. Some took the approach used by the TinyMUD fans, rejecting the "MUD" acronym and replacing it with something else ("Multi-User Role-Playing Environment" or "MURPE" being one of the most common). To try and conglomerate the MUDs back under one particular title, some of the younger generation invented new acronyms such as "MU*" or "MU**". Older members of the MUD community scorned what was perceived as yet more useless acronyms which served only to confuse newcomers - and which would themselves become redundant as soon as someone created a game not beginning with "MU" - preferring instead to refer to all such games as "muds" (all lower-case, thus distinguishing them from "MUDs", which represent a specific type of mud).
    Today there are many thousands of muds, each trying to distinguish themselves from the crowd. Some mud developers take radical new approaches resulting in unique yet unpopular games. Other developers prefer to cater purely to the players, usually resulting in a horrible clash of features - such muds do not generally last long. In recent times a number of less-talented mud owners have decided to follow a deplorable trend of stripping the credits from an existing codebase and claiming it as "all original" in the hope of standing out from the competition. This sort of attitude has unfortunately resulted in the decline of contributions to the mudding community - with more people taking and less people giving, the evolution of muds in general appears to be slowing down considerably.While there are still a few dozens muds which truly stand out from the rest, they are so small in number that only the most persistent of player is likely to find them.
    While I don't believe that muds will ever die out completely, I feel that their days as pure-hobbyist games are in decline. The Internet has changed from the academic to the commercial, and muds are starting to follow suit. The next few years will prove interesting.

    IP属地:上海4楼2013-09-09 10:22

      IP属地:上海5楼2013-09-09 10:31

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