下面要说的装弹设备是74式的,因为stb的装弹机是机密 4 rounds can be placed into the load assisting device (LAD). With the device and the FCS, 1 shot every 4 seconds was possible. 装弹辅助机(LAD)可以放4发,美国FCS计划,用这个东西是4秒一炮
FCS,Future Combat System,美国的,未来战斗系统,资料我是懒得查了,谁知道可以给科普一下 Now I am not absolutely certain if the characteristics described here are the same as what was installed in the STB-1 but chances are very high that they were in my opinion. 这里描述的特性不能完全确定符合stb-1,但是应该差不多
Here is another riddle for WoT implementation. The gun elevation is + 9 and the gun depression is -6…in the turret alone. That does not take the hydro pneumatic suspension into account which adds another ± 6. Thus the full potential is + 15 and – 12. Again one option would be just to entirely ignore the problem if the end result is still a balanced tank. 这是另一个要解决的问题。炮的俯仰角是+9到-6,但是。。。。。这是只算炮塔的时候。。。 由于采用了油气悬挂,底盘还可以提供± 6的俯仰角。。。。 所以实际俯仰角是+15到-12。(逆天了!) 不过到了游戏里,还是会以平衡性为前提
I think I can be ok with that decision in the case of the LAD but Japan specifically designed and utilized the hydro pneumatic suspension for their needs in the Japanese mountain and rice paddie filled terrain. 其实也完全可以理解这种设计,因为他们需要应对复杂的山地和各种水稻田
It is very much a characteristic of the STB-1. So in short of actually adding support for a hydro pneumatic suspension (which by the way, the S-Tank will require if added) 可调的液气悬挂是stb-1的重要特点,所以我建议加入液气悬挂机制,(以后出瑞典S坦克也能用得到)
I would suggest cutting a half way deal. Naturally STB-1 would not usually run at high speeds looking down -12 degrees so it would be silly to add the full potential of the hydro pneumatic suspension to the gun arc in WoT. So make it half way. Half of 6 is 3. So I would suggest +12 and -9 for WoT. 我还建议,把底盘俯仰角减半。毕竟没人会在高速奔驰中需要往下看-12度。 但是也许,坦克世界就简单的把底盘附加角度加到炮塔上 6的一半是3,所以我建议设置为+12到-9
In World of Tanks Compared to the other tier 10 medium tanks in the game, the STB-1 would seem like it would feature very good maneuverability and acceleration. 在坦克世界中。 与其他10级相比,stb-1拥有较好的加速和机动
The leopard would still maintain its top speed advantage. The 105mm cannon combined with potentially a slightly higher RoF may give the STB-1 the highest DPS out of all tier 10 mediums. 豹一还是跑的最快的, 105+装弹机,也许会时stb-1成为dps最高的10级中坦 (注意是dps,秒伤,不是dpm,每分钟伤害) (话说国服豹一吃得开不,欧服豹一还行,特别是大的开阔图,前期跟着大部队打支援,打到对方家里,双方占旗,豹一可以一路狂奔回家打黑枪。由于穿深伤害都不错,有几次我这样打了快1万伤害)
One more advantage to the STB-1 is its small size, slightly smaller than the T-62a overall. The STB-1 seems like it would be a very well-rounded and competitive medium tank. stb-1还有个优势,就是比62A都要稍微小一点。 看起来stb-1会是一辆相当有竞争力的中坦