yandayixia的完美...吧 关注:8贴子:112

【Diary】Yan's EVERYDAY outside China[Month 2]


Yeah, so it's finally September the 1st today~~!!!!
Really glad that I've made it to the second month~
Yep, I'm still going to move forward~
Ready? here we go!

IP属地:加拿大1楼2013-09-02 11:16回复

    -September 1st- Cloudy, Rainy.
    Today is the fist day of the orientation week, and I was up early planning to get all my jobs figured out. The first thing that I went and did is getting my text books for the coming year. I dashed to the old book as soon as I wake up, and I have learned my lesson from yesterday, checking my keys and money bag the very first second when the door is shut. Well, you learn your lesson if your intelligent score is above zero.
    And guess what, god is fair to everybody. It is always said that fate will reward those who had acted the first, and you just got an approval from me. I was dashing my way to the old book store as fast as possible, and it is so rewarding for me to find that one last Ap calculus book is laying on the shelf. One girl who's right behind me would sorrily have to pick a brand new book which would cost her at least 30$ more. Well, it's not for me to being mean or anything, it's just a fact that this is life. First comes, first serves. Chances don't wait for ya, it's taken, it's gone! So be fast.
    Despite of the fact that there are mountains of books down there, they don't have everything I need there. The English book that I was looking for and the two computer science's hand books are totally missing so I would have to go to the Feds book store to get the new ones. They aren't exactly brand new and they costs like thousands. It is hardly a good deal, and it hurt a lot, but oh boy am I just not glad to finally got every single books that's got money on their head for the year~
    After my long painful journey back to the dormitory (because the books weights like my old mom,) I had my first chance to behold the beauty of my long expected roommate- Austin Fisher. He is such a cool guy and I've always been wanting to meet him. I mean boy! Isn't that what you always dream to happen in your daily life? You know, having a exact duplicator of yourself who can talk and play with you through all everything. He almost had the exact personality as I did, and we really shared similar interests. Also, he kinda looks like Amos, and the way he talks is very close to Luc's, so there is two automatic charmer bonus right there. I have just had an extended talk with him, about ours dreams and the meaning of life. It starts with me asking about…. you know, girlfriend type of things, and it goes on and the topic expends. We've both talked about the condom(Yes, condom for god's sake) which we've received in the new student's welcome party. We've both hated thing like that and are thinking that the modern culture is corrupted and wrong. We both sealed that in side our draws as a reminder to not become one of those people that the university, or the culture itself is expecting us to be. At this very moment, a feel that there is something special about this guy that I've never felt the same ever before. Like, this level of attraction is even beyond Luc's level. I mean I definitely loves Luc and have been treating him like my big brother, but Luc is never one of those who really supports and agrees with me every single point I say. In fact, Luc is the opposite of that. He would constantly curse me for my bad taste in clothing and be confused and angered by my pathetic understanding towards love and relationship, but Austin is just…….. different. I feel something very unique about him, we are on the same channel. This talk was going on for the last 3 hours, and I'm surprised to finally be able to meet someone who I share that many numbers of common things with….
    This is the type of life that I wanted, and I hope I can just bring the merriment to her someday as well.

    IP属地:加拿大2楼2013-09-02 14:55
      -September 2nd- Cloudy, Rainy
      Me and Austin didn't go to bed all the way until 3 am last night, chatting about our dreams and concepts about life. Seriously, he reminds me a lot of Amos, Stephnie's grandson who became a brotherly figure to me despite of the fact that we've only met each other once. Anyway, we shared similar interest, we like each other's personality, and we like how we both do things. Me and Amos almost became instant friends right at that moment, just like what had happened to Austin and me today.
      I finally wake up near 10 today, and I found my vision becoming even worse that what it used to be. My eyes are going blurry, and my sight, it is fading fast, especially the right one. Now I can hardly see what's on your face even if you are standing only 3 meters away from me. Good. Now I'm starting to wonder about when is the time for me to lose my vision completely. Because being a computer science major, you would almost be guaranteed to have your line of sight halved and in terms of my condition right now, I say there would be zero difference between me and a blind cat.
      Today is Monday, the only free day of the orientation week. Despite of the anxiety to go out and play pool with the others, I had managed to force my butt to sit on my chair. For I know this deeply, as I'm currently one of the weakest students here in waterloo academically, not to mention the fact that I can't even speak English fluently more than half of the time. If I don't want to die, I must start early, and try hard, taken advantage of my overwhelming mental strength. I forced myself to get down there and pick up my text books which I've just got yesterday. My strategy is to read the intro of them to see what's going on with them first today to get a general understanding of the purpose of each book, then come back later for those more detailed and more academical-related parts. It took me almost 2 hours to cover the intros for only those computer-science-related text books, and the large amount of information is seriously giving me a headache. So I did just that, went to bed and took a 2-hour nap to get myself refreshed. Well, it is always nice to refresh your mind and body when you are confused.
      I won't go any further for today, cuz it is 1:45 right now. Me and Austin spent a good 90 minutes talking about the stories that we both had in mind. Yes, he turns out to be an ambitious author as well, holding many great ideas of great stories. We shared some ideas, and both of us had acknowledged each other's strength and had been really supportive to each other's projects. We've become real friends now….. If you understand what am I talking about……
      Better…. Friends…….

      IP属地:加拿大3楼2013-09-03 13:49
        -September 3rd- Rainy, Cloudy.
        Today is the first day of the orientation that actually holds any event. We fresh men are decided into 6 teams according to our faculty, then further into even smaller team of 10. Personally, I'm perfectly ok with the idea of splinting our faculty into smaller portions, because of course we are having way too many peoples here, but there is something that's drives me nuts… So each of those minor teams has their own name. And guess what kinda of names they are given? Oh GOD! They are so bad….. You ready for this?
        My team is called "The Matrix", and obviously, there is right a reference of the movie Matrix serious. I'm actually soooooo happy that I'm put into this group because it is basically the group with the best name. I mean, it is a rip-off right in front of you, but at least it didn't change anything to make the title horrible. I mean, there is a team called "The lord of the strings"….. This is actually one of the better ones because some of them are so bad that they are literally junk. There is a team honestly be given the unholy name of "Go back to the function "…. The title is printed in the exact title fashion of "Go back to the future" the movie, ripping the idea off. Just because we are a university and this is the faculty of math, so it is "go back to the function" instead of "go back to the future"…. Yeah, I know…. it's that bad.
        So anyway, we had tons of activities today, which is something that I never enjoyed a lot. Everybody acts like as if they were all on drug and the yell like crazy. If they are planning to intimidate me, I have to give them credit for that! Because it is a job well done right there. Like, what is wrong with everybody? It's like the heat of games have turned them into brainless beasts, they cheer, swear, shake their body as if they are wild animals going berserk. Especially the upper years leaders, like all what they need is a bag of marihuana in their hand and they are ready to go on a journey becoming good for nothing criminals. To be honest, as what Stephnie had taught me before, people lives on their different unique life, making different options and there really is nothing wrong in the path they've chosen. However, I'm never a big fan of huge party/ activity like that, for the heat of gathering would always blow your mind away, leaving your body uncontrolled. As a devoted follower of Master Steve, I hate that. I have always being striving for a state of tight integrity. It is just so hard for me to let go of my total control of my body. According to me, if you spirit can't control your body, our human is just a wild chimpanzee who can't even climb trees.
        They had another all-campus-size party going on tonight. It is supposed to be a all night thing, but again as what I've mentioned before, I hate big general gathering which never gets personal. It is just a waste of time according to me, for your never get to know the real side of people in places like that. Even if you did know, those so called "popular kids" are probably those type of people who anyone with a working brain knows to keep their distance away from. But I admit that the party is alluring. Well, it is fun, and every single teenager loves fun stuff. However, I know that as a bearer of the fate of both myself and her, I can't afford to waste my precious time goofing off like that. So that's why I spent the entire night walking around my campus and managed to figure out the exact location of all my classrooms. Yes, I love to have 100% control towards all my actions.
        For why? I got enough will power to pull that off!

        IP属地:加拿大4楼2013-09-04 12:52
          -September 5th- Cloudy-> less so but still not able to be qualified as sunny.
          It is the first day that I actually managed to get up earlier than Austin the roommate. Seriously, this boy is amazing. He hangs out with his friends all the time, joins party 3 days in a roll, and goes to bed after 1am everyday and yet he still wakes up as early as cheese. (Saying cheese here cuz I don't know what to say and I love cheese.) I wake up naturally at around 8:30 everyday, and usually by the time when I wake up, Austin is well on his way to have breakfast with his friends. I mean, if I was having a schedule like that, I would be toasted for sure. Well, despite of how much a man of steel he was, today is the day in which he can't take it anymore. I went to bed at around 12 last night, and he wasn't even here when I turned off the lights. I wake up at 8:30 as usual, and he was still on bed, sleeping as dead as a tired little boy. So isn't that a good lesson of the day? Respect your body, and don't abuse your youth.
          At the time when I arrived at the math building where I am suppose to meet everybody in the faculty of math, I was told immediately that I won't be receiving the token of our faculty without having to make a stupid dance happen. I was shocked right there. I mean, I am a freaking male! And thank god as what she has told me, I'm too fat! I can not dance for no reason! But even if I don't want to, what can I really do? So I just tried my best to stick with the group, suffering and tolerating the sickness of the girly dance. Remember back in the first year of my high school, Stephnie had always tried her best trying to make me dance, and I of course tried my best to decline every time. Strange enough, after dancing with the group for awhile, I found out in great surprise that maybe dancing isn't that bad for me. I mean, still I didn't really love it, but I'm definitely starting to enjoy it. Well, guess Stephy is right about her theory of trying new stuff!
          Anyway, so we had went to watch the show that everybody claims to be the crest of the orientation week this afternoon---- a drama play called Single and Sexy. To be honest, my first thought is that it is going to be inappropriate and I'm not going to watch it. And guess what, it sure contains a hell lot of not-so-nice-you-know-what stuff in it, but hell man it sure is an awesome show! It deals with all the possible things(mostly troubles because girls are troubles…) you can get yourself into. Honestly, everything in this show seems so far away from us cuz we know that it is just a play, but it is also so close to us and so true, and can be happening around us really soon. Reaping you girlfriend, break up with your ex, become a teen parent, and of course, having a gay roommate, which is exactly what's my situation. In conclusion, great show, very instructional, well planned, well played. Although I know that the actors are just over acting, but there is one thing that's bothering me---- This is too true, and is a expected result for the irresponsible actions taken by those will minded teenagers.
          And why am I no normal teenager? It is because my supreme will power. I will always make the right decision. For me, for my friends, for my family, and for her, my love.

          IP属地:加拿大6楼2013-09-06 12:20
            -September 6th- Sunny
            This is the second(or really the third, I can't quite remember) week for my staying in university of waterloo, and I had to face and welcome my second big day of laundry work. Literally, my laundry builds up lightening fast! I was so shocked to find out that there are almost two full giant popups of dirty clothes in only a week. There were so many of them that I was seriously having trouble carrying all those stuff to the laundry chamber. I can still remember the way how others looked at me… Awkward!
            Also, today is the first time for me to find out exactly how brilliant my mom is. Before my departure, she was forcing me to carrying all those clothes, and I was on my best defending my luggage from being over filled. And it all starts to make sense now, for why did she urge me to carry over 20 pairs of socks, 17 shirts, over 10 sweaters, 2 wind breakers, and many other things which made a hell lot of pile. Well, let's be honest---- I lost my first sock today.
            I used to lose my socks all the time, either if I accidentally left them below my pillows, or dropped them under my bed, or even just don't fell like putting them in to the washing machine and they turns out to show at the mouse's lair years later due to some secrete reasons… I was never taken it seriously, but all those has to change starting from today.
            After my struggling to get all my pile of washed clothes back to my residence, I found out that one of the white socks that I had thrown into the washing machine turns out to be missing. I was looking ever where for it, and of course, I can't find it. So I was thinking: "OMG! This is only my second(or the third really) week in Canada and I've lost one sock already! And I still have 5 more years to go!" My mom is right, so right that she's dead on the spot! 20 pairs of socks do seems a lot to carry across half of the earth, but they really are nothing comparing to my lightening fast speed of terminating them! So thank you mom! You are wise and all mighty, may god be with you!
            And I was working on the ultimate solution towards this problem just now, and may be the best way to deal with my sock problem is just for me to stop being careless? I honestly have no idea~

            IP属地:加拿大7楼2013-09-07 11:30
              -September 7th- Rainy, muggy
              It is another day of me getting up earlier than Austin! I really am suppose to fell happy for my stern schedule, but there really is nothing to keep my smile comes up. Honestly, what the hell wrong there is with teenagers today? Although respect him and all that, but something is seriously wrong about this kid's schedule. As what you might have thought about already, he and his friends went to a party again yesterday, and it just went worse. According to what I've heard, those guys hangs there all the way until 2am, that's when some of them finally has the slightest thought of going back to residence. At 4am, most of them finally became conscious about their time and started to have the slightest concern about their sleeping time. However, that's in term of other people, not Austin. He had run into a girl whom he found that had a lot of common topic with. So they've chatted all night and it isn't until around 7am that he was finally back at my residence. Just a quick reminder, I was almost awaken at that time and is too surprised to keep dreaming. I mean, that was messed up, wasn't it? Even a dumb ass like me knows that THAT was killing his own body, but he was thinking that was no big deal. He even uploaded his Facebook account, saying "First all-nighter of the school year"…. No wonder the adults don't trust teenagers today with 100% freedom.
              However, to be honest, I'm rally in no position to judge others. I still remember those nights prior to my departure in which I won't go to bed all the way until almost 5 am. And again, as what Stephnie has told me before, there really is not absolute good and wrong. Really, it is all about choices. I pick the route of dawn, while others decide to follow the fate of dusk. Bit whatever path that one choose to follow, he would alway make his own legend. So I really should stop putting myself above anyone else. Speaking of which, that reminds me of my pathetic pass of being a loser and is looked down by everyone else. I used to promises that if one day I ever come above others, I shall never look down on those who's behind me. That was almost 8 years ago, and it is really Veral's kindness which had given me strength to see the light of hope. And today, after I've finally strived all my way up here, it was she again who has warned me the importance of being naive and kind to those who's not as good as me. To be honestly, with the growth of my knowledge, confidence, and will power, so does my ego and arrogance. Success and a good score does confuse a man's mind and corrupts his will power, making it blind dignity and separate that individual from the harsh reality. She today, cruelly scold me for my gained ego and self-cetering. It turns out true that I'm growing closer and closer to Lawrence the great, constantly judging other people and puts his own benefit and portfolio above everyone else's. I hated him, and I loved my current self. Veral is right, I deserve blaming, I needed to be warned, and Veral just pointed that out---- Right in my face. She didn't give me a chance to make a more serious mistake on that. A mistake that I won't be afford to commit.
              That is absolutely the reason why a boy would ever need a girlfriend and exactly why I don't have a girl friend---- but a guarding angle instead~ Being able to thinking in a way like this, I'm too smart to lose this.

              IP属地:加拿大8楼2013-09-08 11:26
                -September 8th- Cloudy-> Sunny
                Alright writing really fast here cuz I only have 18 minutes maximum here today in order to make it before 11am. I have made up my mind to force myself going to bed before 11 and aiming for a habit of getting tired at 10. As what others have addressed for about a thousand million freaking times, do not abuse your body! Many students couldn't make to pass their university just because they party too much and their body just can't take that anymore, as simple as that. Other than to achieve my academic apotheosis, my other goal is to score a healthy body, not if stronger and more agile after all those working out periods that I've squeezed into my schedule. Anyway, which girl would want to wait for at least 5 years for a fat ass nerd who are probably going to die around the age of 40? Nobody is the answer! That's just how simple that is.
                I had managed to get in touch with Collin today. He is my high school physical education teacher, and he was one of the friendliest dudes back in my time, if not being the most welcome teacher there. I still remember that during the final 3 weeks of school, when there was a one day holiday and I can't make it to home for that would cost my for at least 4 hours of subway to travel back and forth, it was him who offered me his gentle help. He granted me a one night free stay at he's, and that was under the condition of having a date with his girlfriend that specific night. His kindness and greatness will always be remembered by me, and I'll do whatever it takes to repay him one day when I am fully matured. So that's why I've told him about Jack's plan of founding another international high school in Canada.
                Speaking of Jack, my high school principle, husband of Stephnie the best friend, he actually phoned me today. Isn't this cool when your old principle phones you just trying to gets a few words of wisdom from his old pupil? You bet your A$$ that it is! So as what I've already said, despising of his age of retiring, this kind but ambitious old fellow is up to something big once again. Despite a slight scent of craziness in his plan, I'm fully supportive to what's inside my old man's head. For that is what has made me and other students so found of and respect him. He is fully committed to his career of constructing our future, and it is up to me, his best student to prove to this world that his effort and hard work is not gone in vain.
                And all that my boy, will all starts from tomorrow, September the 9th, the first day of my university life.

                IP属地:加拿大9楼2013-09-09 11:02
                  -September 9th- Sunny
                  It is a really nice thing to have a sunny day at the first day of your semester, but it is not good at all when your schedule involves a shAt load of stuff to work out thanks to the weather. Because all the sunshine we have today, I can find myself no excuse to not go to both banks and get a tone of firetrucking stuff ready. The situation is especially worse when you are in a bad mood thanks to how damn hard the stupid courses are, and it definitely won't help at all to see that people around you are generally genius while you are down at the bottom of the grade once more. And guess what folks, that's exactly the type of deep ship that I got myself stuck into….
                  Literally, is it necessary to start off so hard and so serious? Both courses that I was taking today were honoured advanced math courses, and they are super challenging. I can literally feel the intensity in the air of how much people are ready to compete the hell out of each other. Ironically, the advanced Ap calculus class, which everyone is saying to be as difficult as crap turns out to be not that challenging according to me. Too be honest, it kinda freaks me out when I've first heard that they are offering students a transfer credit insurance just in case you got kicked out the very first week of class. I mean seriously? Is it really that hard, cuz I don't think so. Basically, it is just what that Jerry had taught me the last year, just being looking from a more theoretical point of view, that's it. However, the advanced algebra course which they don't even bother to reserve a back up seat of a easier version of this course turns out to be as hard as shpt!!!!! The professor is literally useless, aimlessly saying:"Math is more of an art other than a subject." I mean don't get me wrong for I'm no where near against what he've said, I actually really like his idea of this. But it is one thing to offer words of wisdom, and definitely something else when you are repeating the same damn thing for almost half of the class! And the very fact that the professor is Chinese really bothers me. Not in terms of English this time, cuz his English is really fancy and I use the word fancy here for a reason. He speaks like me, that's what I mean by that. He spoke poetry, and he has a huge variety of word choice which I really admire. But however, the fact for him being Chinese is such a pain in the @$$ because he has sky high expectation from everyone! He was seriously asking us to prove why is a+0=a on the very first fAcking day of the class! I mean, what are you f@cking thinking?
                  Well, there are a lot of people like me in class, which is cool because I get people who are similar level as me to talk to. I actually organized a discussion group tonight and it turned out to run very well. However, their are some geniuses in my class who means SERIOUS business here. And by that, I mean not listening to their professor, doing home work durning class and showing off at the very first second they can. They remind me of both Lawrence the great, Roger the royal, and Alex the slimy. I mean, yes, I know you guys all got 100% in Euclid and are members of the Canadian Math team and stuff. I admit you are 100 times clever than me and I am no where match you guys in anyway so would you please SHUT THE FUCK UP for at least 1 second? I mean, give me a break!!! Why it is always the assholes who got the talent and skills?
                  Anyway, so they've got me there, beats the crap out of me on every single side. And guess what, that's exactly why I've worked for 8 hours straight till just now! We will see who goes further in that! You showing off jerky beefs!

                  IP属地:加拿大11楼2013-09-11 13:43
                    -September 10th- Sunny
                    It's only the second day of school and I fell that I can't take it anymore. I feel dizzy and my school bag weights about a million pound. Professors hand down countless number of assignments that are almost impossible to figure out. Each question is as hard as fuck and takes forever to figure things out. Even if you do figure things out, well, then you are probably wrong anyway. I worked all the way until almost 3 last night and I still can't understand a thing about what the fuck is going on there with algebra. Only 1 out of the 6 questions is manageable while the other five are all like beyond my level of comprehension. Everyone else looks so smart and they are definitely gifted and are all geniuses. Everybody is ten times better than me and I'm a good for nothing piece of shit. Talked to professor about 3 hours and still can't figure shit out. I might just as well give up on life anyway.
                    Extremely tired right now and still got 50 pages of readings unfinished due tomorrow(today) afternoon. Projects due Friday which are still untouched, probably takes a loser like me another 15 hours to figure dumb shit out. Exhausted, overwhelmed, dying.

                    IP属地:加拿大12楼2013-09-11 13:51
                      -September 11th- cloudy, thunder storm
                      I made a great decision today. A decision that is so brand and sudden, which will tell the difference between my bitter defeat and glorious victory. It really isn't a quick decision, for the countless hours of sleep time that I've wasted on those abstract concepts of mathematics. Those illusionary concepts of a+0=a which doesn't even make any sense. Well, even if they do, that would be completely beyond my level of comprehension anyway. So all in all, I'm well aware of my limits, and I do have the courage to face what's ugly.
                      For the first time of my life which is really the third time, I've never felt so lost before other than the last two times. The sky is dark, the water is black, the world is spinning, and the laugh on everyone's face sounds like merciless mocking to me. The first time that I can recall of being in such a overwhelming status is that period of my senior school, grade 6 to grade 7. When I was stuck in that stupid archery team, that was the very first time that fate itself had demonstrate its eagerness to spell the difference between normal teenagers and Yan the ultimate life form. Luckily, I meet Veral durning the time of desperation, who has sacrificed her divine deity to support me the worthless. The second time is during the encounter between me and Naven. I was almost beaten, scarcely striving to survive, drained. However, the very appearance of Stephnie had saved me from my bitter demise, negating the evil prank that god was intending to troll me with. However, this time is different. I have nobody to count on for this ultimate test. Being discommunicated with both Veral and Steph, and my dear mother the gardian, it's completely up to me to save myself this time. But here is the thing: I am mature now. I have skills now. My personality has formed now. And my will power is immense now. I AM up to the challenge, I AM ready to take some actions, and I AM strong enough to take the punishment if the risk fails.
                      That's when I decided to drop both of my advanced abstract math courses in switch for two easier but more practical courses interns of my major, my glory, my ultimate goal of life other than marrying her---- The brightest heaven, of programming.

                      IP属地:加拿大13楼2013-09-12 13:45
                        -September 13th- Rainy-> Cloudy
                        After a week of waiting that's almost endless, and finally did the last day of work ends. Friday, it's here, and it ends. Finally, what i have been long desired is long here---- the day of rest, the day of dying. I've been expecting it, but not looking up to it--- my strength, is gone. But finally, the hard work this week has finally paid off, and I'm finally getting somewhere.
                        I had spent about 6 hours in lab yesterday, working my nerve out trying to refine my computer science 200 course assignment. And in terms of today, it was another 4 hours straight of lab-toria straight to home until I finally got it all figured out at last. It really isn't something hard, but it is something that's complicated, and I probably won't spend that much time on it if I just want to, you know, "get the assignment outta the way". Now look, as a new member of the computer science club, the upper years all went "Boooooo~!" on me when they first heard that I'm actually a part of this course. Many of them haven't even know that course's existence. And for those who did know it, they were keeping making fun out of me, calling me idiot for wasting money on such a stupid course. There is an Asian guy who had made his impression so hard on me. I'm guessing that he is a Chinese for only a Chinese can be so arrogant and self-centred. He was just keeping judging all the time, and keep saying bad things about my course. If it was me 2 years ago, I would probably engage in a fight with him. But now, I just ignore him completely. I had observed that he was keeping showing off to others and trying to prove his superiority by judging others. Seriously, I'm done with those stupid arrogant people. Not matter what ever the firetruck they say, I pull off my disjunction and stick with my own choice. Anyway, so no mater what they say, I would give my words of wisdom here to every one--- I think it is helpful. To be honest, it does teach nothing about programming, but what it does teach is a way of processing information and all the details of how to edit my files efficiently. Many "big peoples" think that this is useless, and thus call this course a wimpy useless piece of junk, but I don't agree.
                        For as the old saying goes, it is the details which makes the difference between ultimate success and endless doom. And that is exactly why they that chines guy will not go as far as me.
                        Man, speaking of a sense of arrogance….

                        IP属地:加拿大15楼2013-09-14 12:02
                          -September14- Unknown/Cloudy
                          Seriously, I have NO IDEA of what the firetruck the weather is going on for today except for early morning. I've been study almost 15 hours in a roll and now I'm so tired that I can barely keep going. Austin went home today, with his huge bag of laundry. His home is only one hour of bus time away from university and his lovely kind mom volunteered to help him do all his laundry. Serious, Austin is a very nice guy, I admit. But his level of immaturity amuses me. And I thought western teenagers are supposed to be more mature. My neighbors had a party tonight, and by tonight, I mean freaking 2 am in the morning. I was studying ap calculus 138 and those guys are partying way too much that I was forced to turn on my reality distortion field to quiet them down. Seriously, I hate it when I have to offence people, but sometimes I just feel that I have to.
                          Had lunch with Maria this morning. Seriously, I've been bumping in to this nice Russian girl a heck of a lot recently. She is a very nice and quiet girl comparing to the other girls here, but she does have a potential to drive people even me crazy. She became quick friends with another Chinese girl who is willing to speak English, and since both of them are second language speaker, their level is about the same. This is what makes me really "see something." Like, finally! Maybe I'm not exactly useless after all.
                          Have being working too much recently. I thought that I had finished all CS200 assignment this Friday but there is a new one just posted today and it's due next monday. TWO F@CKING DAYS after it is released. My CS 200 teacher is a old mom who has 4 kids. So comparing to Stephnie's quality, her level of amnesia is actually quite accuseable. However, much like every single professors else here, she doesn't possess any emotions towards her audience. Yeah, I know, they are just starting to treat us like real adults now. You know, absolutely not personally, everything is about job and profit, money is the key, as long as I dump my trash on my students I am good kinda stuff. And that's exactly why I miss Stephnie so much….
                          Oh, those merry old times…..I

                          IP属地:加拿大16楼2013-09-15 17:26
                            -September 15th- Cloudy
                            I had a long and tiring day again today, working hard on both of my computer science classes. It turns out that the questions they had for programming 135 is as easy as cake, while the so called "only for beginners" computer science 200 is as irrupting as ship. It just seems so wrong to me. Like, this is a very very helpful course but why nobody give it the credit it deserves? Anyway, it got on to my nerves.
                            I bump into Maria again today. I've found this very very unlikely. It was like as if… We run into each other just way too often. It was 11:30 pm and I was working in the lab on my computer science project while she dashes in. I was so surprised that I almost jumped out from my chair. This Russian girl is super kind and nice, and most importantly, extremely polite. Even very polite people like me were put into disgrace before her. She is very nice, we both has a lot of fun chatting to each other. She even showed me pictures of her house and the school that she used to go to, and I showed her mine.
                            The only problem is that she wants to make me as super pollute as her as well. Like, I don't usually swear right? And even when I do swear, I say thing like damn and firetruck, no big deal right? But seriously, whenever I got careless and slip a word, she would angrily stare at me and scold me like a girl what usually do to her boyfriend….. She is kinda annoy but very cute at the same time, which…. remind me of someone who I truly cares.
                            Yeah, I'm feeling bad for Maria's boyfriend already….I

                            IP属地:加拿大17楼2013-09-16 13:08
                              -September 16th- Cloudy-Rainy-Cloudy
                              Despite of the fact of how much has happened today, I don't really have any time to cover them all at all. It was 1 30 am already and I've just finished my 29 pages long short story reading. Like, why it has to be so boring, so long, and so hard to understand?! Like when I was reading Artemis Fowl serious, sure, I had a lot of troubles understanding what's going on, but at least it's fun, while the so called "short stories" here is just like what they are: long, boring, and irritating. 29 pages in one night? DAMN!
                              I'm pretty worried about Maria thought. She told me that she is having problem dealing with her smoking problems and she is force to go sleep at the MC building third floor. I prepared my extra blanked for her so she can use is as a covering, but can't really find her today. A super chilly day, I'm wearing my sweater already and it's still as cold as winter.
                              Talked to my professors today for the first time. They are all super nice people who really cares about their classes. Again, take notice of my world choice here, I said class, not students. Well in order to survive in the heat (chill) of university life, one has to realize that nothing is really personal. It is all about job. The professors only manipulate their jobs as to delivery lectures, while as students, it's up to ourselves to figure out what to do. So don't even be bothered at what type of professors you get.
                              Exhausted, need sleep.I

                              IP属地:加拿大18楼2013-09-17 13:39