元素魔法吧 关注:2,118贴子:14,559
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来自iPad1楼2013-08-25 01:02回复
    RABBAN HURMIZD 的诅咒,使人变的像疯狗一样
    In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The prayer, request, petition, and supplication of Mar Rabban Hurmizd of Persia, son of Joseph the Chief, which he prayed and asked of the Merciful and Compassionate God at the time of his martyrdom. He said: O Lord, God of Hosts, I beg of Thee, and supplicate thy Grace, that (as regards) everyone who will make mention of thy Holy Name, and of my name — thy servant Hurmizd of the Persians,65 may the mad dog neither bite nor put his teeth in him: but let the destructive lion, the daring tiger, the pig, and the lurking wolf, and an dangerous animals (be kept aloof)66 from him and from his house, from his sons and daughters, and from all that there is and will be unto him who beareth these writings, through the prayer of my Lady, the blessed Mary. Amen!

    来自iPad2楼2013-08-25 01:02
      In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: and in the name of I Am That I Am, Almighty God, Adonai, Lord of Hosts. King Solomon was building the House to the name of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit was handing him the stone: Solomon stooped to take hold of the stone: he hurt (?) his back, his loin ruptured, and he gave forth a bitter cry. Whereupon our Lord said unto his disciples: What voice of crying is this? and they replied unto him: It is that of Solomon, the son of David, who is building the terrific, blessed House. Amen!

      来自iPad3楼2013-08-25 01:04
        In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The prayer, request, petition, and supplication of Mar George (sic), the glorious martyr, who lived in the mountain for forty years. He was torn as rags,and blood flowed from them (i.e. the rents made in his flesh): and he prayed and said, 'O Lord, God of Hosts, I beseech thee, and supplicate thy grace, and ask the same request which Peter, Paul, and Gabriel — chief of the angels, besought on account of the evil spirit of lunacy. I bind you away from the three hundred [xxxiii] and sixty-six members of the one who carrieth these writs: and you are bound by me, O evil Spirit of Lunacy, and you have not the power to reside in the body and soul of the one who carrieth these writs, but you will needs go forth from the bones, from the sinews, from the flesh, from the skin, and from the hair unto the ground, and from the ground (passing on) to iron, and from iron to stone, and from stone (you will pass on) to the mountain. This writing must be sealed. Amen, Amen!

        来自iPad6楼2013-08-25 01:05
          In the name or the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Evil Eye went forth from the stone of the rock, and the angel Gabriel met her. He said unto her: Whither goest thou, O daughter of destruction? She replied unto him, I am going to destroy men and women, boys and girls, the souls of cattle, and the fowl of heaven. The angel Gabriel said unto her: Hast thou not been to Paradise, and seen the Great God, the One who is surrounded by thousands upon thousands and myriads upon myriads of angels, who sanctify him? By His name thou art bound by me, and I bind thee, O Evil and Envious Eye, and Eye of seven evil neighbours! It is not within thy power to approach either the body or the soul, or the spirit, or the connexions of the sinews, or the 366 members59 which are in the frame of the one who carries these formulae, through the prayer of my Lady, the blessed Mary, and of Mar John the Baptist. Amen!

          来自iPad7楼2013-08-25 01:05
            In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. [I said] to the seven accursed brothers, sons of the evil and accursed man: 'Whither are you creeping along on your knees, and moving upon your feet, and crawling upon your hands?' The wicked sons of the wicked and accursed man replied: 'We are creeping along on our knees, walking upon our hands, and moving upon our feet, so that we may eat flesh, and drink [blood] in our palms.' And when I saw them, [xlix] I cursed them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, which is Eternal, and a third of God: (saying), 'You are accursed and bound in the name of Gabriel, Michael, and Azrael, the three holy angels; in the name of that angel who judged the woman that combed (the hair of) her head on the eve of holy Sunday; and in the name of the Lord of the angels; so that you may not proceed on your way, nor finish your journey. May God break your teeth, and cut the veins of your head, and the nerves87 of your teeth, (keeping them off) from the cattle of the one who carries these writs. As the smoke vanishes from before the wind, may they vanish, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; in the name of the Father, the Fatherhood, in the name of the Son, the Lordship, and in the name of the Holy Ghost, the Emanation: in the name of the glorious Trinity, now, and for all time, for ever and ever. Amen!'

            来自iPad9楼2013-08-25 01:06