freōnd, friōnd, es; pl. nom. acc. freōndas, frēnd, frȳnd, freōnd; gen. freōnda; dat. freōndum; m.
[freōnde loving, part, of freōn, v. freōgan, freōn II. to honour, like, love]
A FRIEND; ămīcus :-- Se feōnd and se freōnd the fiend and the friend, Elen. Kmbl. 1904; El. 954: Exon. 43 a; Th. 144, 33; Gū. 687. Mānfulra and synfulra freōnd publicānōrum et peccātōrum amīcus, Mt. Bos. 11, 19: Lk. Bos. 7, 34. He wæs Godes freōnd he was the friend of God, Chr. 654; Erl. 29, 12: 656; Erl. 32, 28. Se hlāford ne scrīfþ freōnde ne feōnde the lord regards not friend nor foe, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 31; Met. 25, 16: Exon. 105 b; Th. 401, 23; Rä. 21, 16. Gif ðū āge freōnd ǣnigne if thou have any friend, Cd. 116; Th. 150, 30; Gen. 2499: 135; Th. 170, 10; Gen. 2811: Beo. Th. 2774; B. 1385. Hwylc eōwer hæfþ sumne freōnd quis vestrum habēbit amīcum? Lk. Bos. 11. 5: Ps. Th. 90, 2. Me ðǣr freōndas gefrunon friends discovered me there, Rood Kmbl. 151; Kr. 76. Frȳnd synd hie mīne georne they are my zealous friends, Cd. 15; Th. 19, 7; Gen. 287: Exon. 115 b; Th. 443, 21; Kl. 33. Gē synd mīne frȳnd, gif gē dōþ ða þing, ðe ic eōw bebeōde vos amīci mei estis, si fecĕrītis quæ ĕgo præcĭpio vōbis, Jn. Bos. 15, 14: Ps. Spl. 37, 11: Ps. Th. 138, 15. Ðǣr mōtan freōnd sēman there the friends must arbitrate, L. Ethb. 65; Th. i. 18, 14: L. Eth. ix. 1; Th. i. 340, 7. He wæs freōnda gefylled he was deprived of his friends, Chr. 937; Erl. 114, 7: Bt. 20; Fox 72, 14. Nāh ic rīcra feala freōnda on foldan I have not many powerful friends on earth, Rood Kmbl. 261; Kr. 132: Apstls. Kmbl. 182; Ap. 91: Andr. Kmbl. 1868; An. 936: 2257; An. 1130. Hine his freōndum gecȳðe let notice of him be given to his friends, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 16. Ðæt inwitspell Abraham sægde freōndum sīnum Abram told that tale of woe to his friends, Cd. 94; Th. 122, 11; Gen. 2025: 79; Th. 97, 12; Gen. 1611. Se hundrēdman sende hys frȳnd to him mīsit ad eum centŭrio amīcos, Lk. Bos. 7, 6: 15, 6, 9: Ps. Th. 87, 18. Heorot innan wæs freōndum afylled Heorot within was filled with friends, Beo. Th. 2040; B. 1018: 2256; B. 1126. [Wyc. frendesse a female friend: Laym. freond: Orm. freond, frend: Scot. frend a relation: Plat. frund, fründ, m: O. Sax. friund, m. a friend, relation: Frs. frjuen: O. Frs. friond, friund, m: Dut. vriend, vrind, m; Ger. freund, m: M. H. Ger. vriunt, m: O. H. Ger. friunt, friōnt, friant, m: Goth. friyonds, m. a friend; friyondi. f. a female friend: Dan. frende, frænde, m. f. a cousin, kinsman: Swed. frände, m. a relation: Icel. frændi, m. a kinsman.] DER. weoruld-freōnd.
freōnd, friōnd, es; pl. nom. acc. freōndas, frēnd, frȳnd, freōnd; gen. freōnda; dat. freōndum; m.
[freōnde loving, part, of freōn, v. freōgan, freōn II. to honour, like, love]
A FRIEND; ămīcus :-- Se feōnd and se freōnd the fiend and the friend, Elen. Kmbl. 1904; El. 954: Exon. 43 a; Th. 144, 33; Gū. 687. Mānfulra and synfulra freōnd publicānōrum et peccātōrum amīcus, Mt. Bos. 11, 19: Lk. Bos. 7, 34. He wæs Godes freōnd he was the friend of God, Chr. 654; Erl. 29, 12: 656; Erl. 32, 28. Se hlāford ne scrīfþ freōnde ne feōnde the lord regards not friend nor foe, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 31; Met. 25, 16: Exon. 105 b; Th. 401, 23; Rä. 21, 16. Gif ðū āge freōnd ǣnigne if thou have any friend, Cd. 116; Th. 150, 30; Gen. 2499: 135; Th. 170, 10; Gen. 2811: Beo. Th. 2774; B. 1385. Hwylc eōwer hæfþ sumne freōnd quis vestrum habēbit amīcum? Lk. Bos. 11. 5: Ps. Th. 90, 2. Me ðǣr freōndas gefrunon friends discovered me there, Rood Kmbl. 151; Kr. 76. Frȳnd synd hie mīne georne they are my zealous friends, Cd. 15; Th. 19, 7; Gen. 287: Exon. 115 b; Th. 443, 21; Kl. 33. Gē synd mīne frȳnd, gif gē dōþ ða þing, ðe ic eōw bebeōde vos amīci mei estis, si fecĕrītis quæ ĕgo præcĭpio vōbis, Jn. Bos. 15, 14: Ps. Spl. 37, 11: Ps. Th. 138, 15. Ðǣr mōtan freōnd sēman there the friends must arbitrate, L. Ethb. 65; Th. i. 18, 14: L. Eth. ix. 1; Th. i. 340, 7. He wæs freōnda gefylled he was deprived of his friends, Chr. 937; Erl. 114, 7: Bt. 20; Fox 72, 14. Nāh ic rīcra feala freōnda on foldan I have not many powerful friends on earth, Rood Kmbl. 261; Kr. 132: Apstls. Kmbl. 182; Ap. 91: Andr. Kmbl. 1868; An. 936: 2257; An. 1130. Hine his freōndum gecȳðe let notice of him be given to his friends, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 16. Ðæt inwitspell Abraham sægde freōndum sīnum Abram told that tale of woe to his friends, Cd. 94; Th. 122, 11; Gen. 2025: 79; Th. 97, 12; Gen. 1611. Se hundrēdman sende hys frȳnd to him mīsit ad eum centŭrio amīcos, Lk. Bos. 7, 6: 15, 6, 9: Ps. Th. 87, 18. Heorot innan wæs freōndum afylled Heorot within was filled with friends, Beo. Th. 2040; B. 1018: 2256; B. 1126. [Wyc. frendesse a female friend: Laym. freond: Orm. freond, frend: Scot. frend a relation: Plat. frund, fründ, m: O. Sax. friund, m. a friend, relation: Frs. frjuen: O. Frs. friond, friund, m: Dut. vriend, vrind, m; Ger. freund, m: M. H. Ger. vriunt, m: O. H. Ger. friunt, friōnt, friant, m: Goth. friyonds, m. a friend; friyondi. f. a female friend: Dan. frende, frænde, m. f. a cousin, kinsman: Swed. frände, m. a relation: Icel. frændi, m. a kinsman.] DER. weoruld-freōnd.