笑话吧 关注:4,479,050贴子:31,730,937

回复:【图片】PS神作 亮瞎你的狗眼!!笑的你肚子痛~~~


 /\7    ∠_/
  / │   / /
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 イ● 、 ●  ⊂⊃〈  /
 ()  へ    | \〈
  >ー 、_  ィ  │ //
  / へ   / ノ<| \\
  ヽ_ノ  (_/  │//
  7       |/
  >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_

2703楼2014-11-20 13:13
     /\7    ∠_/
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      Y     `  /  /
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     ()  へ    | \〈
      >ー 、_  ィ  │ //
      / へ   / ノ<| \\
      ヽ_ノ  (_/  │//
      7       |/
      >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_

    2704楼2014-11-20 13:21
      "Ring, Ring," the telephone suddenly rang. Sam got up to answer the call. It was his aunt.
      "Sam, 1 are you still at home?"she asked surprisingly.
      "Sam looked at the clock. It was already 7:30 am.
      "Oh, my goodness. There's an important 2 today," Sam shouted out.
      He hurried to wash his face and get3 .When he was going to leave the house, he4 that he
      had not put away his books. He ran quickly to the desk and put them into the bag. He then went to the
      bus stop to go to school as 5 as
      he could.When he got into the classroom, his classmates were 6on their papers.
      "Why are you so 7 ?" asked his teacher.
      "I'm sorry, sir," Sam answered, afraid of looking up. "It was my clock.It8to wake me up this
      morning and ..."
      "Don't 9 anything about it," his teacher stopped him. "Don't try to come late next time!" Sam said
      yes and walked to his seat quickly. But when he tried to do the test paper, he c

      IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端2705楼2014-11-20 13:22
         /\7    ∠_/
          / │   / /
         │ Z _,< /   /`ヽ
         │     ヽ   /  〉
          Y     `  /  /
         イ● 、 ●  ⊂⊃〈  /
         ()  へ    | \〈
          >ー 、_  ィ  │ //
          / へ   / ノ<| \\
          ヽ_ノ  (_/  │//
          7       |/
          >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_

        2706楼2014-11-20 13:31

          IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端2707楼2014-11-22 11:15
            @y1丶茕茕白兔 大早上注意形象

            IP属地:贵州来自iPhone客户端2708楼2014-12-21 09:15

              来自Android客户端2709楼2014-12-21 09:58

                IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端2711楼2015-01-03 00:04
                  我来简单的发表一下自己的看法:عته زالبه الثصخه. ديث لغات. أفيد خنق. افصل للإهمال قعت القبيح مال البيت هدد دائم. د ألبيس اختلف لأبيه مال داليان اللقب ممرا. البذخ خالف لأبيهم اللبان. لبيلعخمالف لثاته (دابذاهحمببقيياغ)،اليذانتلقيبعدلث. أبياته لأبيهم مال أقفلت بقي للنهج ألفا !اليذاهختلقعغق زالبه لغيبته أقلته مال لأبيهم تلقيب:للبطلان نزيفا ليطلع انه تلقي لغه تلقت الطاعن. بذلته نبقي للذاهخقثيصلاعت لبيلعخمالف البيان خالصين

                  来自Android客户端2712楼2015-01-03 00:09

                    IP属地:江苏来自手机贴吧2713楼2015-01-05 22:43

                      来自Android客户端2717楼2015-02-20 15:35

                        IP属地:山东来自Android客户端2718楼2015-02-20 16:07
                          If you sign in with a day 4 experience, 300000/4 = 75000 days, if start check-in at the age of 1, 100 = 100 days, you want to live almost 200 years to keep every sign in (who knows there is no sign in this thing after 200), water 4 experience again if you every day, half the time, but considering the reality, you can't live again in 100, in 50 years, you have to water every day 16 experience, may be you are a diligent person, every day water 32 experience, that needs to be 25 years!!!!!!!!!!! Again if you are a big monster, daily water 64 experience, then as long as 12.5 years!!!!!!!!!!! If you are an impatient person, water 128 experience every day, you as long as 6.25 years!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are hungry, water 256 experience, every day that you fort, as long as 3.125 years!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, you will feel or too far away for 3 years, every day you are idle egg hurts, busy water 512 experience, bunkers, you only need to 1.5625 years, only a little more than a year and a half!!!!!!!

                          来自Android客户端2719楼2015-02-20 18:30

                            来自Android客户端2720楼2015-02-20 19:06