Something makes me depressed.Maybe nobody understand me now.The summer holiday would come to an end right away,but I didn't havest more cheerful thing which I wanted.I don't know how to express my heart now.To be honest,recently making new friends is my pleasure.Although maybe I know many persons,it doesn't indicate that those are all my friends.Feng,Chuan,Chao,Ye,YY,Senior,Xin..........Maybe we don't know about each other,and I don't realize that your ture ideas,but I treat you as my friends.I enjoy the feels that we are together.New term is coming,we will go to different places.I hope that we are friends forever,and I would think you are my good friends at least.I don't know why I say that now,and I really want you know that I would treat you as my friend forever.Take care yourself,I will support your undertaking behind you silently.