然后是英文版的歌词和本人的渣翻译~ Ghost Under the Umbrella GUMI 郁P 英文歌词(From YOUTUBE): The raindrop that had gazed(凝视) Upon the broken umbrella trickled down(滴落) It slipped(滑) past my hand And fell onto someone’s corpse(尸体) As if to ask the meaning of “happiness” I gently stroked(轻划) the unmoving body’s back The sages(圣人),having lived sheltered lives(在温室里被培养出来的) Took their teacher’s pointers(教鞭) and waved them at random(胡乱) The words,”the dawn is impartial(公平的)”, Echoed (回响)in a society with no sun Someone is strangling(扼杀) someone else While right beside them someone is drinking tea That’s what kind of a world it is Are not the ones who can keep their sanity(神智正常) Really the one with the broken minds? The seeds of anxiety (不安,焦虑)have borne fruit They turn into the shape of a fatal accident Causing a delay(延迟) You can hear people clicking their tongues in annoyance(恼怒,烦恼) in that station Such a BEAUTIFUL society A ghost is going to be born In the ruins of a former(以前的) road A ghost is going to be born In the bottom of a satisfied era(时代) A mammal fell to it’s death From the staircase(楼梯) of the apartment A stain(污点) remained on the city(都会) asphalt(柏油路) With no soil to return to Cats never show their dead bodies to people People stuff(材料,塞满) human ugliness (丑陋的东西,丑恶)into wagons (货车)and sell it on the street The crowds(人群),with their smile caused by instruments of correction(矫正器械) Are satisfied(满意的,满足的) scattering (散射,分散)happiness onto the ground Those of us that don’t know how to pick it up Are called NONCONFORMISTS(不墨守成规者,异端) The hare, unable to adapt(适应), Was buried by people who promptly(迅速地) sat down and drank tea(green tea?) Is it a bad thing to criticize(分析) the tortoise for abandoning the dull-witted (迟钝的)hare? No matter how hard I try to hold it back Resentment(愤恨,不满) leaks out(漏出,渗出) of my mouth As VOMIT(呕吐) Sound arguments(争论) with on mal intent(居心叵测的) Clamp down(施压) on my carotid arteries(颈动脉) A ghost is going to be born In the ruins of the central railway line(铁路中央线) A ghost is going to be born In the bottom of a satisfied era I have no future And I have no past to cling to(坚持,保留) But, I also don’t have the ability to become a ghost LOOK ALL AROUND LOOK ALL AROUND LOOK ALL AROUND LOOK ALL AROUND Even now The train delayed by the fatal accident A knife in the paradise of a pedestrain mall(步行者天国?) The apartment that lost it’s property value A stain(锈蚀) in the intersection(交叉点) A ghost is going to be born In the ruins of the gallows(绞刑架) A ghost is going to be born In the bottom of a satisfied era I have no future And no past to cling to But, I also don’t have the ability of a ghost SO YET ANOTHER TOMORROW WILL COME! 翻译: 凝视着的雨滴 从破碎的伞上滴落 滑过我的手 滴在无名的尸骸上 【所谓“幸福”是什么呢?】 当我被这样问起 我温柔地抚过脚下的尸体 在温室中被培育出来的圣人们 手中胡乱挥舞着他们的教鞭 “黎明是公平的” 这样的话语在不见天日的社会中回响 一些人在扼杀他们的同类 另一些人却在一边喝茶旁观 这就是我们生活的世界 那些“神智正常”的人们啊 是否正是丧心病狂的存在呢 名为不安的种子 结出了“人身事故”的恶果 因此而导致了交通延迟 传入耳中的却只有车站里人们不绝于耳的恼怒咒骂 好一个“美妙”的社会 幽灵在无形中产生 产生的废墟正是过去的道路 幽灵在无形中产生 产生的空间正是如今的盛世 一只哺乳动物在公寓的楼梯上走向死亡 化为了都市柏油路上的一摊污迹而无法入土为安 猫尚且不会让自己的死相为人所见 人类却可以将自己的丑恶填满车厢沿街叫卖 带着被矫正器械制造出的笑颜 人们心满意足地将“幸福”的气息播撒四方 那些不去捡拾它们的人 即使曾是我们中的一员也会被斥为异端 学不会迁就的兔子 被那些喝着茶的围观者迅速地埋葬 抛弃了“迟钝”的兔子而去挖掘乌龟的优点 这到底是好事还是坏事呢? 不管我如何努力地捂住自己的嘴 愤恨与不满还是如同呕吐物一般倾泻而出 冠冕堂皇的争论声 如同绞索一般勒住了我的咽喉 幽灵在无形中产生 产生的废墟正是过去的中央铁路 幽灵在无形中产生 产生的空间正是如今的太平盛世 我没有未来 也没有可以逃避的过去 更没有能力 变成幽灵的一员 看看周围吧 看看周围的一切 看看周围的一切 看看周围的一切!! 直到如今 电车依然因为人身事故的原因而被延迟 在号称步行者天国的地方仍然存在着锋利的刀子 依然有丧失产权的公寓存在 十字路口上依然有着无法入土为安的污痕 幽灵在无形中产生 产生的废墟正是过去的绞架 幽灵在无形中产生 产生的空间正是如今的盛世 我没有未来 也没有可以逃避的过去 更没有能力 变成幽灵的一员 所以就让崭新的明天降临吧!!