Benjamin Sisko
Captain Benjamin Sisko (2375)
Affiliation:Federation Starfleet
Occupation:Commanding officer
Deep Space 9
USS Defiant
Chief of Starfleet Security on Earth (briefly in 2372)
Emissary of the Prophets
Status:Missing in action (2375)
Father:Joseph Sisko
Mother:Sarah Sisko
Sibling(s):Judith Sisko (half-sister)
At least two unnamed half-brothers
Marital Status:Married
Spouse(s):Jennifer Sisko (wife, deceased 2367)
Kasidy Yates-Sisko (wife)
Children:Jake Sisko (son)
Unborn child
Played by:Avery Brooks
Commander Benjamin Sisko (2369)
For the mirror universe counterpart, please see Benjamin Sisko (mirror).
"So you're the commander of Deep Space 9... and the Emissary of the Prophets. Decorated combat officer, widower, father, mentor and... oh, yes, the man who started the war with the Dominion. Somehow I thought you'd be taller..."
- Senator Vreenak, 2374 ("In the Pale Moonlight")
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko was a famous Starfleet officer best remembered for his seven-year assignment commanding station Deep Space 9 in the Bajor sector. After discovering the Bajoran wormhole, he became known to the Bajoran people as the Emissary of the Prophets. He fought the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359 and played a critical role as a Starfleet strategist and front line commander in the Dominion War.