Yay! Also she’s wearing that shirt again. I like that one. (I have a mental image of them scrambling to make sure they hide her left hand, just to mess with GSR…) Tune in tomorrow night for a new CSI!
SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 BY MIKA E. (IPSTENU) 3 COMMENTS I know a lot of you are grumbling about GSR, or that we don’t get a lot of resolution of San Francisco from last season (you can read CSI Files’ Advanced Screening Review of “The Devil and D.B. Russell” for more), but what if I told you episode 300 was Sara Centric?
CSI‘s 300th episode, “Frame by Frame,” will air October 23. Described as a “Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox)-centric episode, the installment “deals with a cold case that got away from her that we did not see when she first joined the lab,” another source elaborates. The hour marks the return of original cast member Marg Helgenberger, last seen in Season Twelve. Helgenberger participated in one day of filming for scenes that will be used in “flashbacks.” “There’s a lot of cool Easter eggs from the show’s history,” the source continues. And while William Petersen will not make a cameo in the hour, “his presence is definitely felt by the end of the hour.” Just don’t expect that presence to be some inkling of a GSR reunion: “Sara’s struggles we will touch base with, but we’re not sure where that’s going to go. Hopefully that will come to a satisfying resolution, but she’s still struggling.” Credit CSI Files — Report: ‘CSI’ Season 14 Fall Preview