evagreen吧 关注:727贴子:26,278




IP属地:美国1楼2013-07-31 09:24回复

    IP属地:美国6楼2013-07-31 12:57
      Here the text abruptly breaks off, and the notes and jottings for its continuation are for the mostpart illegible. It is possible to make out, however, that men of the Éothéod fought with Ondoher; and also that Ondoher's second son Faramir was ordered to remain in Minas Tirith as regent, for it was not permitted by the law that both his sons should go into battle at the same time (a similar observation is made earlier in the narrative, p.305). But Faramir did not do so; he went to the war in disguise, and was slain. The writing is here almost impossible to decipher, but it seems that Faramir joined the Éothéod and was caught with a party of them as they retreated to¬wards the Dead Marshes. The leader of the Éothéod (whose name is indecipherable after the first element Marh-) came to their rescue, but Faramir died in his arms, and it was only when he searched his body that he found tokens that showed that he was the Prince. The leader of the Éothéod then went to join Minohtar at the head of the North Road in Ithilien, who at that very moment was giving an order for a message to be taken to the Prince in Minas Tirith, who was now the King. It was then that the leader of the Éothéod gave him the news that the Prince had gone disguised to the battle, and had been slain.
      The presence of the Éothéod and the part played by their leader may explain the inclusion in this narrative, ostensibly to be an ac¬count of the beginnings of the friendship of Gondor and the Rohirrim, of this elaborate story of the battle between the army of Gondor and the Wainriders.
      The concluding passage of the fully-written text gives the impression that the host of the Wainriders were about to receive a check to their exaltation and elation as they came down the highway into the deep cutting; but the notes at the end show that they were not long held up by the rearguard defence of Minohtar. "The Wainriders poured relentlessly into Ithilien," and "late on the thirteenth day of Cermië they overwhelmed Minohtar," who was slain by an arrow. He is here said to have been King Ondoher's sister-son. "His men carried him out of the fray, and all that remained of the rearguard fled southwards to find Adrahil." The chief commander of the Wainriders then called a halt to the advance, and held a feast. Nothing more can be made out; but the brief account in Appendix A to The Lord of the Rings tells how Eärnil came up from the south and routed them:
      In 1944 King Ondoher and both his sons, Artamir and Faramir, fell in battle north of the Morannon, and the enemy poured into Ithilien. But Eärnil, Captain of the Southern Army, won a great victory in South Ithilien and destroyed the army of Harad that had crossed the River Poros. Hastening north, he gathered to him all that he could of the retreating Northern Army and came up against the main camp of the Wainriders, while they were feasting and revelling, believing that Gondor was overthrown and that nothing remained but to take the spoil. Eärnil stormed the camp and set fire to the wains, and drove the enemy in a great rout out of Ithilien. A great part of those who fled before him perished in the Dead Marshes.
      In the Tale of Years the victory of Eärnil is called the Battle of the Camp. After the deaths of Ondoher and both his sons at the Morannon Arvedui, last king of the northern realm, laid claim to the crown of Gondor; but his claim was rejected, and in the year following the Battle of the Camp Eärnil became King. His son was Eärnur, who died in Minas Morgul after accepting the challenge of the Lord of the Nazgûl, and was the last of the Kings of the southern realm.

      IP属地:美国9楼2013-08-01 12:08
        各个月份的坑爹名字译法仍然待定,在意译加注与音译坑人之间不断摇摆…………= =

        IP属地:美国11楼2013-08-01 12:10

          IP属地:美国12楼2013-08-01 13:53
            我的考虑主要是这样的:第一,纯意译给月份命名的话并不能减轻阅读负担,而且还有Cermië/Cerveth这种不清楚具体含义的(连A Gateway to Sindarin都考据不出意思,我决定跪了);第二,单说几月也不好,因为King's Reckoning和现代历有大约十天的错位,= =b

            IP属地:美国13楼2013-08-02 05:25
              At last the whole host was assembled; and only a few hundreds were left behind to support the men unfitted for such desperate venture by youth or age. It was then the sixth day of the month of Víressë. On that day in silence the great éohere set out, leaving fear behind, and taking with them small hope; for they knew not what lay before them, either on the road or at its end. It is said that Eorl led forth some seven thousand fully-armed riders and some hundreds of horsed archers. At his right hand rode Borondir, to serve as guide so far as he might, since he had lately passed through the lands. But this great host was not threatened or assailed during its long journey down the Vales of Anduin. Such folk of good or evil kind as saw it approach fled out of its path for fear of its might and splendour. As it drew southward and passed by southern Mirkwood (below the great East Bight), which was now infested by the Balchoth, still there was no sign of men, in force or in scouting parties, to bar their road or to spy upon their coming. In part this was due to events unknown to them, which had come to pass since Borondir set out; but other powers also were at work. For when at last the host drew near to Dol Guldur, Eorl turned away westward for fear of the dark shadow and cloud that flowed out from it, and then he rode on within sight of Anduin. Many of the riders turned their eyes thither, half in fear and half in hope to glimpse from afar the shimmer of the Dwimordene, the perilous land that in legends of their people was said to shine like gold in the springtime. But now it seemed shrouded in a gleaming mist and to their dismay the mist passed over the river and flowed over the land before them.
              Eorl did not halt. "Ride on!" he commanded. "There is no other way to take. After so long a road shall we be held back from battle by a river-mist?"
              As they drew nearer they saw that the white mist was driving back the glooms of Dol Guldur, and soon they passed into it, riding slowly at first and warily; but under its canopy all things were lit with a clear and shadowless light, while to left and right they were guarded as it were by white walls of secrecy.
              "The Lady of the Golden Wood is on our side, it seems ,” said Borondir.
              "Maybe," said Eorl. "But at least I will trust the wisdom of Felaróf. 28 He scents no evil. His heart is high, and his weariness is healed: he strains to be given his head. So be it! For never have I had more need of secrecy and speed."
              Then Felaróf sprang forward, and all the host behind followed like a great wind, but in a strange silence, as if their hooves did not beat upon the ground. So they rode on, as fresh and eager as on the morning of their setting-out, during that day and the next; but at dawn of the third day they rose from their rest, and suddenly the mist was gone, and they saw that they were far out in the open lands. On their right the Anduin lay near, but they had almost passed its great eastward loop, 29 and the Undeeps were in sight. It was the morning of the fifteenth day of Víressë, and they had come there at a speed beyond hope. 30

              IP属地:美国16楼2013-08-02 14:25
                Their main onslaught was then too long delayed, and they could no longer use their greater numbers with full effect according to the tactics they had intended, being accustomed to warfare in open lands.

                IP属地:美国19楼2013-08-02 14:39
                  he tidings that the Balchoth were destroying the last of their kin in the South, if they did no know it already, might give weight to his appeal, if the Éothéod themselves were not threatened by any attack.
                  (这是did not know 吧。。
                  At that time the Éothéod were at peace and had no fear of war:
                  我觉得这里“无战争之忧”和“had no fear of war”的意思有微妙区别,这更像是“无惧战争”的意思

                  IP属地:美国20楼2013-08-03 14:38
                    Cirion and Eorl
                    The story is preceded by a note on the Halifirien, westernmost of the beacons of Gondor along the line of Ered Nimrais.
                    The Halifirien 31 was the highest of the beacons, and like Eilenach, the next in height, appeared to stand up alone out of a great wood; for behind it there was a deep cleft, the dark Firien-dale, in the long northward spur of Ered Nimrais, of which it was the highest point. Out of the cleft it rose like a sheer wall, but its outer slopes, especially northwards, were long and nowhere steep, and trees grew upon them almost to its summit. As they descended the trees became ever more dense, especially along the Mering Stream (which rose in the cleft) and northwards out into the plain through which the Stream flowed into the Entwash. The great West Road passed through a long cutting in the wood, to avoid the wet land beyond its northern eaves; but this road had been made in ancient days, 32 and after the departure of Isildur no tree was ever felled in the Firien Wood, except only by the Beacon-wardens whose task it was to keep open the great road and the path towards the summit of the hill. This path turned from the Road near to its entrance into the Wood, and wound its way up to the end of the trees, beyond which there was an ancient stairway of stone leading to the Beacon-site, a wide circle levelled by those who had made the stair. The Beacon-wardens were the only inhabitants of the Wood, save wild beasts; they housed in lodges in the trees near the summit, but they did not stay long, unless held there by foul weather, and they came and went in turns of duty. For the most part they were glad to return home. Not because of the peril of the wild beasts, nor did any evil shadow out of dark days lie upon the Wood; but beneath the sounds of the winds, the cries of birds and beasts, or at times the noise of horsemen riding in haste upon the Road, there lay a silence, and a man would find himself speaking to his comrades in a whisper, as if he expected to hear the echo of a great voice that called from far away and long ago.
                    The name Halifirien meant in the language of the Rohirrim "holy mountain." 33 Before their coming it was known in Sindarin as Amon Anwar, "Hill of Awe;" for what reason was not known in Gondor, except only (as later appeared) to the ruling King or Steward. For the few men who ever ventured to leave the Road and wander under the trees the Wood itself seemed reason enough: in the Common Speech it was called "the Whispering Wood." In the great days of Gondor no beacon was built on the Hill while the palantiri still maintained communication between Osgiliath and the three towers of the realm 34 without need of messages or signals. In later days little aid could be expected from the North as the people of Calenardhon declined, nor was armed force sent thither as Minas Tirith became more and more hard put to it to hold the line of the Anduin and guard its southern coast. In Anórien many people still dwelt and had the task of guarding the northern approaches, either out of Calenardhon or across the Anduin at Cair Andros. For communication with them the three oldest beacons (Amon Dîn. Eilenach, and Min-Rimmon) were built and maintained, 35 but though the line of the Mering Stream was fortified (between the impassable marshes of its confluence with the Entwash and the bridge where the Road passed westward out of the Firien Wood) it was not permitted that any fort or beacon should be set upon Amon Anwar.

                    IP属地:美国21楼2013-08-03 17:18

                      IP属地:湖北22楼2013-08-03 17:19
                        In the days of Cirion the Steward there came a great assault by the Balchoth, who allied with Orcs crossed the Anduin into the Wold and began the conquest of Calenardhon. From this deadly peril, which would have brought ruin upon Gondor, the coming of Eorl the Young and the Rohirrim rescued the realm.
                        When the war was over men wondered in what way the Steward would honour Eorl and reward him, and expected that a great feast would be held in Minas Tirith at which this would be revealed. But Cirion was a man who kept his own counsel. As the diminished army of Gondor made its way south he was accompanied by Eorl and an éored 36 of the Riders of the North. When they came to the Mering Stream Cirion turned to Eorl and said, to men's wonder:
                        "Farewell now, Eorl, son of Léod. I will return to my home, where much needs to be set in order. Calenardhon I commit to your care for this time, if you are not in haste to return to your own realm. In three months' time I will meet you here again, and then we will take counsel together."
                        "I will come," Eorl answered; and so they parted.
                        As soon as Cirion came to Minas Tirith he summoned some of his most trusted servants. "Go now to the Whispering Wood," he said. "There you must reopen the ancient path to Amon Anwar. It is long overgrown; but the entrance is still marked by a standing stone beside the Road, at that point where the northern region of the Wood closes in upon it. The path turns this way and that, but at each turn there is a standing stone. Following these you will come at length to the end of the trees and find a stone stair that leads on upwards. I charge yon to go no further. Do this work as swiftly as you may and then return to me. Fell no trees; only clear a way by which a few men on foot can easily pass upwards. Leave the entrance by the Road still shrouded, so that none that use the Road may be tempted to use the path before I come there myself. Tell no one whither you go or what you have done. If any ask, say only that the Lord Steward wishes for a place to be made ready for his meeting with the Lord of the Riders."

                        IP属地:美国23楼2013-08-03 17:20

                          In due time Cirion set out with Hallas his son and the Lord of Dol Amroth, and two others of his Council and he met Eorl at the crossing of the Mering Stream. With Eorl were three of his chief captains. "Let us go now to the place that I have prepared," said Cirion. Then they left a guard of Riders at the bridge and turned back into the tree-shadowed Road, and came to the standing stone. There they left their horses and another strong guard of soldiers of Gondor; and Cirion standing by the stone turned to his companions and said: "I go now to the Hill of Awe. Follow me, if you will. With me shall come an esquire, and another with Eorl, to bear our arms; all others shall go unarmed as witnesses of our words and deeds in the high place. The path has been made ready, though none have used it since I came here with my father."
                          Then Cirion led Eorl into the trees and the others followed in order; and after they had passed the first of the inner stones their voices were stilled and they walked warily as if unwilling to make any sound. So they came at last to the upper slopes of the Hill and passed through a belt of white birches and saw the stone stair going up to the summit. After the shadow of the Wood the sun seemed hot and bright, for it was the month of Úrimë; yet the crown of the Hill was green, as if the year were still in Lótessë.
                          At the foot of the stair there was a small shelf or cove made in the hillside with low turf-banks. There the company sat for a while, until Cirion rose and from his esquire took the white wand of office and the white mantle of the Stewards of Gondor. Then standing on the first step of the stair he broke the silence, saying in a low but clear voice:
                          "I will now declare what I have resolved, with the authority of the Stewards of the Kings, to offer to Eorl son of Léod, Lord of the Éothéod, in recognition of the valour of his people and of the help beyond hope that he brought to Gondor in time of dire need. To Eorl I will give in free gift all the great land of Calenardhon from Anduin to Isen. There, if he will, he shall be king, and his heirs after him, and his people shall dwell in freedom while the authority of the Stewards endures, until the Great King returns. 37 No bond shall be laid upon them other than their own laws and will, save in this only: they shall live in perpetual friendship with Gondor and its enemies shall be their enemies while both realms endure. But the same bond shall be laid also on the people of Gondor."
                          Then Eorl stood up, but remained for some time silent. For he was amazed by the great generosity of the gift and the noble terms in which it had been offered; and he saw the wisdom of Cirion both on his own behalf as ruler of Gondor, seeking to protect what remained of his realm, and as a friend of the Éothéod of whose needs he was aware. For they were now grown to a people too numerous for their land in the North and longed to return south to their former home, but they were restrained by the fear of Dol Guldur. But in Calenardhon they would have room beyond hope, and yet be far from the shadows of Mirkwood.
                          Yet beyond wisdom and policy both Cirion and Eorl were moved at that time by the great friendship that bound their people together, and by the love that was between them as true men. On the part of Cirion the love was that of a wise father, old in the cares of the world, for a son in the strength and hope of his youth; while in Cirion Eorl saw the highest and noblest man of the world that he knew, and the wisest, on whom sat the majesty of the Kings of Men of long ago.
                          At last, when Eorl had swiftly passed all these things through his thought, he spoke, saying: "Lord Steward of the Great King, the gift that you offer I accept for myself and for my people. It far exceeds any reward that our deeds could have earned, if they had not themselves been a free gift of friendship. But now I will seal that friendship with an oath that shall not be forgotten."
                          "Then let us go now to the high place," said Cirion, "and before these witnesses take such oaths as seem fitting."

                          IP属地:美国24楼2013-08-03 17:23
                            E : 而在埃奥尔看来,奇瑞安就是他所认识的世间最高尚、最庄重也最睿智的人,在他身上栖留着很久以前人中王者的威严荣光。
                            虫: =v=
                            E : 你说他爹情何以堪。。。
                            虫: 。。。。
                            E : 确实比不上拿一个公国当聘礼的大手笔……
                            虫: ME的级别上去我会有一种奇怪的囧感。。。
                            E : 显然啊
                            虫: 虽然并不是那地方就没有,而是作者根本就不提,于是整个世界都是全年龄的正剧。。。
                            E : 更有甚者,豆腐这种千年暧昧的……
                            虫: 喷
                            E : 惟一费了牛劲去追的是……
                            虫: 。。。这才不可直视吧!
                            E : 我真没法想象他追着捷影跑的囧况……
                            虫: 喷
                            E : 或者更狠的:
                            虫: 哈哈哈哈哈哈
                            E : 我觉得Eorl是个年轻的腹黑。
                            要不也不会有俩人都moved beyond wisdom and policy这种说法……
                            虫: 尽管如此,卡利梅赫塔和马尔赫威尼的联盟却不是徒劳无果-------这果然是5对5。。。
                            E : 没错……
                            虫: =v=
                            E : 你说法拉米尔那基友叫什么……
                            虫: 。。。。。。
                            E : 是啊,只知道是马亲王……
                            虫: 喷
                            E : 马亲王在中洲也是祥瑞啊囧
                            虫: 这段实在太orz
                            E : 黑历史= =
                            虫: 北方的好低调(其实分家已经很囧了
                            E : 啊对,分家,囧
                            虫: 还抢风云顶orz
                            E : 风云顶差点成了三不管地带,喷
                            虫: 喷
                            E : 已经到处都是了……
                            虫: 。。。我要记着以后去游戏里看看坟是不是比别处多!
                            E : 你想,夏尔这种地方埋个人你也注意不到。
                            虫: 坟估计都堆的比平地高
                            E : ……他们就该把死人都填艾森河去!
                            虫: ..........
                            E : “以此防守足矣”
                            虫: 哈哈哈哈哈
                            E : 你说这么一来,Dunharrow的死人、海尔姆大王和渡口幽魂是不是可以动不动在山里开个party了……
                            虫: 足够了
                            E : 到扑克人石像底下开会吧orz
                            虫: ......
                            E : “年轻的民族阳气足,以免粽子出来作祟”
                            虫: 十里坡外乱葬岗
                            E : Baldor死于倒斗不成功……
                            虫: 捶地
                            E : Dunharrow我以前一直想起“黑山老妖”……
                            虫: 完了真的是乱葬岗
                            E : 埃多拉斯城下那墓地………………
                            虫: 方便鬼回来聊天。。。
                            虫: 这篇是我记得的UT最坑爹之一,“正文在此处结束”这种出现了不止一次...
                            E : 对……
                            虫: 对,orz
                            E : 也好,他要写下去,天知道会多黏糊…………
                            虫: 我只想囧rz
                            E : 我就不信马亲王把每个死掉的都抱了抱。
                            虫: “你醒醒啊!你醒醒啊!”
                            E : “我还不知道你叫什么名字!”
                            虫: 天知道!
                            E : 该不是这位小法临死前伸手入怀:“这是我的党费”
                            虫: 肯定是的
                            E : 结果掏出来的是外交官护照么……
                            虫: “请把这个交给我爹”(模仿Thrain的“给我儿子”
                            E : 这么一说突然很忧伤……
                            虫: 是啊= =
                            E : ……估计正在外环海边上骂人呢。
                            虫: 噗
                            E : 所以Numenor人晚婚这个习俗纯属坑爹啊!
                            E : 自从埃兰迪尔本人与埃尔达之王吉尔-加拉德发誓结成联盟,中洲就不曾听过这样的誓言。
                            虫: 。。。。
                            E : 肯定是“不求同年同月同日生,但求同年同月同日死”,囧
                            虫: 不能乌鸦嘴啊。。。
                            E : 不错了,看样子他俩没说“生同衾,死同穴”………………
                            虫: 没有抓马
                            E : 围城那么多年,能没抓马?!
                            虫: 没有被描述出来的抓马。。。
                            E : ……另外……真有描述出来的抓马啊!
                            虫: 战场上啦。。
                            E : 擦汗,总算他俩去看那个球,也是眺望西方……
                            虫: 对,汗
                            E : 终于有一对可以清白了【。
                            虫: 【。
                            E : 以星辰之地的辉煌与忠贞者埃兰迪尔的信仰为念,愿西方诸位王者和一切王者之上的至尊者相佑,此誓永存不渝。
                            虫: 毫无违和
                            E : 宰相大人您儿子还站一边看着呢……

                            IP属地:美国25楼2013-08-05 14:40
                              31 The Halifirien is twice mentioned in The Lord of the Rings. In The Return of the King, I l, when Pippin, riding with Gandalf on Shadowfax to Minas Tirith, cried out that he saw fires, Gandalf replied "The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid. War is kindled. See, there is fire on Amon Dîn, and flame on Eilenach; and then they go speeding west: Nardol, Erelas, Min-Rimmon, Calenhad, and the Halifirien on the borders of Rohan." In I 3 the Riders of Rohan on their way to Minas Tirith passed through the Fenmarch "where to their right great oakwoods climbed on the skirts of the hills under the shades of dark Halifirien by the borders of Gondor." See the large-scale map of Gondor and Rohan in The Lord of the Rings.
                              32 It was the great Númenórean road linking the Two Kingdoms, crossing the Isen at the Fords of Isen and the Greyflood at Tharbad and then on northwards to Fornost; elsewhere called the North-South Road. See p.277.
                              33 This is a modernized spelling for Anglo-Saxon hálig-firgen; simi¬larly Firien-dale for firgen-dæl, Firien Wood for firgen-wudu. [Author's note.] – The g in the Anglo-Saxon word firgen "mountain" came to be pronounced as a modern y.
                              Halifirien(哈利菲瑞恩)是盎格鲁-撒克逊语的hálig-firgen转成现代拼写的结果。类似的还有Firien-dale(菲瑞恩山谷)对应firgen-dæl,Firien Wood(菲瑞恩森林)对应firgen-wudu。【作者注】——盎格鲁-撒克逊语的“大山”firgen一词,其中的g应当读作现代英语中的y。
                              34 Minas Ithil, Minas Anor, and Orthanc.
                              35 It is said elsewhere, in a note on the names of the beacons, that "the full beacon system, that was still operating in the War of the Ring, can have been no older than the settlement of the Rohirrim in Calenardhon some five hundred years before; for its principal function was to warn the Rohirrim that Gondor was in danger, or (more rarely) the reverse."

                              IP属地:美国29楼2013-08-06 11:13