好主意 【鹰挣脱枷锁,他的生命和崇高的荣誉注定为神之眷顾】 The eagle born to those who pledged their lives and sacred honor was smiled upon by God and freed from chains and iron collar.
ID:@十足_霸气 贴名:。 操作理由:与吧内内容无关,妥妥的水 【鹰挣脱枷锁,他的生命和崇高的荣誉注定为神之眷顾】 The eagle born to those who pledged their lives and sacred honor was smiled upon by God and freed from chains and iron collar.
ID@咯咯咯86 贴名,这个吧好冷清 操作理由:毫无技术的水贴 操作时间:发此贴的前一分钟 【鹰挣脱枷锁,他的生命和崇高的荣誉注定为神之眷顾】 The eagle born to those who pledged their lives and sacred honor was smiled upon by God and freed from chains and iron collar.