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1楼2013-06-27 23:42回复
    People use the term "wisdom" to mean many things. They describe someone as wise if that person is intelligent, well-informed, or capable of making good decisions. These descriptions, however, are not really useful in distinguishing wise people from unwise ones. Happiness is a better measure of wisdom: a wise person is a happyperson. Even the most intelligent people should not be called wise if they are not happy.
    ASSIGNMENT: Is it best to determine how wise people are by how happy they are?

    2楼2013-06-28 03:50
      Some people believe that wisdom is best measured by a person's knowledge or understanding, while others argue that how wise a person is a directly related to howhappy, or contented, he feels. I believe however, that wisdom is determined by more than the extent of one's happiness.
      Perhaps a wise person is able to make wise, prudent, and circumspect decisions that will in turn bring him happiness, but happiness does not imply wisdom. Take infants for example. They are happy as long as they are well-fed, warmly-clothed, and lovingly-entertained. But can infants then be labeled as wise? I am afraid not. Even happy adults cannot be categorically labeled as wise, for they can delight in danger, idleness, or unrefined matters, which are not conventionally associated with wisdom or prudence.
      A wise person is not necessarily a happy one, either. When a person possesses wisdom, he is able to see farther and more clearly than his peers, and his visions maybring him worries and trouble him. In his work, The Republic, Plato warns those who are interested in the study of philosophy of it potential dangers. Their eyes opened and their understanding shapened, the philosophers may not only gain more wisdom than their unenlightened peers, but also inevitably more troubled. For the philosophers now see the evils in the world more clearly than ever andmust labor in hopes of alleviating the evils. They cannot ever return to their previous carefree state of life again.
      Thus, the magnitude of a person's happiness is in no way a comprehensive measure of his wisdom. For there may very well be happy, carefree fools, just as theremay be troubled sages who, though scorned and scoffed by their myopic peers, labor unceasingly to better the conditions of humanity.

      4楼2013-06-28 04:16
        当时我一看这题就疯了,又是这种不着边际的问题,什么叫”快乐”,具体哪种”快乐”,细细掰开来是可以写一辈子的:柏拉图不就说快乐分三种,body, spirit, and soul......blahblahblah。智者和义人追求的就是在知识中追求灵魂的快乐,这种快乐最永恒所以智者\义人最快乐,相对恶人就又愚昧又不快乐......反正瞎出题我就瞎写了= =

        来自iPad5楼2013-06-28 06:14

          来自iPad6楼2013-06-28 07:43

            来自iPad7楼2013-06-28 07:44

              IP属地:新加坡8楼2013-07-03 10:10
                我觉得再写大一点似乎好看一些?每次看我score report扫描出来的作文都有一种“这不是我写的”的错觉,笔迹太诡异了。

                IP属地:上海9楼2013-07-03 11:34