This has been such an amazing year...I have SO much to be thankful for. Hope you all had a splendid Turkey Day. Xo 8:35 AM - 29 Nov 今年真的是很棒的一年。我有很多要去感谢。希望你们都有一个美好的感恩节
Fell asleep on the plane, and woke up to the man next to me staring directly into my eyes...Gonna be a weird day. 3:02 AM - 30 Nov 在飞机上睡着了,醒来后发现坐我旁边的男的盯着我。今天肯定会很过得很诡异。
Sorry I haven't posted a video in a trillion years..Making more real soon! THANKS FOR LISTENING, FRIENDS! 12:47 PM - 30 Nov 不好意思,我很久没有上传视频了。最近会多录制几个,谢谢你们能听。
@FOX2News Thanks for having me in the studio this morning! SO pumped to play the Fox Theatre tonight with @SNCmusic and @donniereis1 11:32 PM - 1 Dec 谢谢FXO2News今早在工作室帮我。今晚和SNCmusic在FOX剧院表演很激动