1. The Scaffold Essay
In The Scarlet Letter, the scaffold, as a symbol of shame and the punishment of sin, plays a significant role throughout the story. The three scaffold scenes not only are important moments in the development of the plot, but also give unity to the structure of the novel.
The first scaffold scene, which occurs in chapters two through three, discloses a large amount of information concerning the main characters and the sin that bonds their fates together. Hester Prynne, who is sentenced to endure three hours of public humiliation on the scaffold, is the infamous adulteress. She holds her sin-borne baby, Pearl, in her arms and wears the mark of her ignominious status, a scarlet letter A on her breast. While Hester stands on the scaffold with outward calmness and defiance, her husband stands on the outer edge of the crowd and gazes upon her shame in subdued rage. The scene gathers tension when Hester is demanded to reveal the name of the baby's father. Although her very partner in crime, Reverend Dimmesdale, is standing right in front of her and pleading her to speak, Hester remains silent. An extension of the scene gives the interview between her and her husband, Roger Chillingworth, in which he vows revenge on the unnamed father. Thus, the first scaffold scene, as the inciting moment, gives much background information, and sets into motion several conflicts central to the story (34-52).
It has been seven years since the beginning of the story. Hester has settled with her daughter, Pearl, in the outskirts of Boston and made a living off needleworks. Although the townspeople no longer hold Hester in strong contempt, she is still an outcast (53-60). In contrast, Arthur Dimmesdale has gained the love of the congregation for his empathetic sermons, and Roger Chillingworth, having taken a keen interest in the young pastor, has become both his parishioner and physician (82-6). The second scaffold scene takes place as Dimmesdale makes a midnight walk to the scaffold in hopes of alleviating his guilty conscience through a symbolic punishment. Hester and Pearl also join the scene; Pearl, unsatisfied that he will not acknowledge her openly, mocks him for his cowardice. As the three stand on the scaffold together as they should have seven years before, a meteor, in the likeness of a great scarlet letter A, appears in the sky. Terrified by this sign and the image of Chillingworth's face, Dimmesdale confesses his fear for the physician. Hester, however, does not reveal Chillingworth's identity. The scene culminates when Chillingworth comes and leads Dimmesdale back to his lodging (101-9). The second scaffold scene gives the reader a glimpse into Dimmesdale's chaotic mind, which is, under the burden of his concealed sin and Chillingworth's incessant prying, nigh on the brink of collapse. Also, Dimmesdale's emaciated state actuates Hester to rescue him from Chillingworth's scheme (114-5). Thus, the story, gathering yet more momentum, prepares for the resolution.
The third, and the last scaffold scene occurs in chapter twenty-three. Several days before, Hester and Dimmesdale rendezvoused in the forest and decided to flee to Europe by ship after the Election Day(136-8). However, after he delivers the sermon of his life, Dimmesdale's conscience finally overcomes his hypocrisy. He repels Chillingworth's intervention, and mounts the scaffold with Hester's help. Supported by a completely dumbfounded Hester and holding Pearl in his hand, Dimmesdale confesses with his last breath the sin that has weighed so heavily on his soul for the past seven years. Thus, he finally gains Pearl's acceptance and breaks free from evil clutch of Chillingworth (169-76). In this final scaffold scene, all the main characters are again gathered for the final moment of confrontation and suspense. The last scaffold scene gives resolution to the previous conflicts in the story and forcefully re-emphasizes the novel's moral, the pernicious effects of unconfessed sin, bringing the story to a bittersweet end.
Throughout the story, each of the three scaffold scenes serves as a platform that gathers all the main characters for an evaluation of their minds, the effect of their sins on them, and the changes they have experienced. Meanwhile, the interactions between the characters create suspense and steer the story onward along its course. These scaffold scenes contribute a great deal of information and are undoubtedly integral to the unity of the story.