The Classification and Regression Tree node (C&R Tree) is a tree-based classification andprediction method that uses recursive partitioning to split the training records into segments withsimilar output field values. This example applies C&R Tree to a marketing study in which thetarget field is the intent to buy a subscription to an interactive news service via cable. Predictorfields include age, sex, education, income category, hours spent watching television each day, andnumber of children (coded as an ordered set since the value 8 represents 8 or more).This example uses the stream named newschancart.str, which references the data file namedNewsChan.sav. These files are available from the Demos directory of any Clementine Clientinstallation. This can be accessed from the Clementine program group on the Windows Startmenu. The newschancart.str file is in the Base_Module directory.