【My "Good" Teacher * Thai Buffet * Movie】
Posted by -♥ richell ♥- on Thursday, May 20, 2010
I went to college as usual today.
Every Thursday, I've to attend the first class which is Research Methodology.
My lecturer of Research Methodology is really a "Good" teacher which I've ever seen after so many semesters. -.-'
She asked us to bring laptop this morning, I didn't bring, though.
After my group members brought laptop to college, she asked us that when she asked us to bring laptop?!..she never said that~
In fact, whole class of the students also did hear that in Tuesday~!
And, you know what did she say!?
She told us that she is the lecturer, she can change whatever she wants anytime~!!!
Besides, she still keeps on saying that she is our lecturer, our marks are on her hand!!! >.<
WHERE GOT SUCH TEACHER??? !@#$%& When she gives us tutorial, if we don't know and go to ask her, she says that everything is in our notes and asks us refer to the notes/ slides.
What is that? -.-
I felt like my secondary school's teachers were better than her don't know how many times~!!!
The evaluation form which was given to us 2 days ago, I still evalute her "just ok", "disagree".
I still didn't circle "strongly disagree" such cruel term.
This morning I just told Sharene that I got bit regret. sigh*
This is my last semester.
Why I still meet such terrible teacher??? sad*
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Research Methodology >> Personnel Management
After Personnel Management, it was almost 1pm.
We decided go to eat Thai buffet where is located near Disted College.
It was really cheap.
One person is only costed RM10.90. ^^
The food over there was really delicious, especially Tomyam ♥ XD
Moreover, I ate two plates of fried rice with other cooked food. =p
Don't believe? It's really nice ♥
You may go and try yourself, then you'll know~ ^^
Prontip Thai Restaurant Sdn. Bhd.
2, Lebuhraya Peel(Yesterday Club)10350 Penang, Malaysia.
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When I reached home and I've done everything.
I continued to watch <<美人心计>> Schemes of A Beauty.

Finally, it has ended.
But, I feel like have the sense of loss. >.<
It's really a nice and touching movie.
I like to see Ruby Lin(Dou Yi Fang) and Sammul Chan(Liu Heng) together because Liu Heng is an infatuation Emperor. ^^
Sadly, he dies at last.
However, I won't feel that the ending is not good due to Sammul Chan was died because I like this movie very much ♥ claps*