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英文版的初雾云(骸云)文【因为外教不认得日文所以我不能取名mukuro和hibari 就用初雾云命名了...

1楼2013-05-13 22:24回复
    Their first meet was on an influential banquet of business.
    In fact, Spade didn’t want to go to the tedious dinner, but it seemed to be an inevitable affair. As a charismatic man, Spade wore a smart suit and tie without any ornament and entered the lieu in a sullen mood, he looked lethargic, instead of a dynamic face. At this time, two voluptuous women came to him, starting talking to him in a plausible way with the intent of money, but he ignored them wholly and then went towards to his boss in the crowd. After a short conversation, Spade decided to have a glass of wine, and this time, he came across a man who was about the same age as him. The man had short blond hair with light green eyes, wearing chaste suit. He looked really mundane but reeked of pride and confidence. Spade gazed at him and fully infatuated with him beyond words. The man raised his head and looked at him as well, this moment, they both startedto talk:“A glass of wine? Cheers.”They drunk a toast and then brushed pass each other.
    The man seemed so unforgettable to Spade that he wanted to find him again. Spade always regarded himself as a person of discretion, but this time, he forgot toask the man for his name, which was really ironic. Until the banquet came to the end, he still failed to find the man again, which made him so frustrated and
    regretful. Spade didn’t believe that he could fall in love with somebody at first sight, but, it happened. There was turmoil in his heart and he couldn’t even image how life would be without that man. It was surely a grate to him, Spade thought, so he couldn’t cede. As a result, he inquired the man of many people who appeared at the dinner that night, but actually nobody knew about him. Spade was so bitter because of his impotence that he went to the bar everyday and was inebriated, one time he narrowly fainted on the road. Though he smoked a lot, he couldn’t forget that irreplaceable man. Spade trapped himself in a bewilderment and pessimism, but he never gave up searching for his love. Maybe the god was almost moved by his relentless behavior, a month later, the man miraculously appeared, which surprised him a lot.
    Alaudi was the man’s name, he was a manager in a big company but not very prominent or eminent. He seldom talked or even smiled; he always kept silence and looked pensive. Spade was prudent when talking to him in order not to show any impudence. Alaudi was five years older than him and elusive at all, so Spade didn’t want to be naïve in his eyes. But love is borderless, Spade didn’t care about age or sex, he only wanted to derive his love even if he was despised by others. His enthusiastic heart supported him and he expressed his love to Alaudi sincerely at last. To his astonishment, Alaudi neither responded him nor refused him, just a smile and a kiss.

    本楼含有高级字体2楼2013-05-13 22:28

      3楼2013-05-13 22:30

        IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端4楼2013-05-13 23:39

          7楼2013-05-14 01:50
            ……看见加粗字体吓死 倒不是想到了完型 是以为英语课本里的重点词汇囧
            在水楼里看见你说这个作业的时候就看见了 没想到真的发上来了。
            加粗的单词很多都认不到的表示很汗颜 所以我该拿什么去对付下个月的六级考试???

            IP属地:重庆8楼2013-05-14 18:16

              10楼2013-05-15 21:20
                所以加粗的是干嘛的...【原谅我还没看- -

                IP属地:上海11楼2013-06-03 00:23
                  现在点进来也不晚 恩 恩 恩 这也算我第一次看黑爷的初雾云

                  IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端12楼2013-08-03 00:04