word limit
John:"Sherlock, can I have a word please"
Sherlock:"What is it"
John:"enn, I was thinking about tonight..."。
Sherlock:" John you don't have to be the world's only consulting detective to notice that you have exceeded your word limit by 500 percent!blablabla..."
John:"Sherlock you don't have to be British to guess that's just an expression!"
Sherlock:"Be precise, John. Always be precise."。
"Wait a minute...Oh, it's christmas!" thought by Sherlock.
"Do you mean that we..., Oh, John just tell me what excatly do you mean by that!"。
John:"I can't. I've used up my word limit."。
Sherlock:" Really John you don't have to be British to guess that's just an expression."。
John:" F**k off Sherlock!"。
Sherlock:"Let's go to bed! I am ready John!"。