朱令吧 关注:35,717贴子:1,472,462



朱令的美国医生之一Robert Fink的回信,说Thalium/铊的毒源来自当年的一位女同学(we know who it was ); 当年有同学说出过孙坨妇为了和朱令竞争去美国学习的奖学金而下毒;当年警察也为此做了相应调查,但是最终没有落charge/起诉(-哈-);但据医生所知最终下毒的"that woman"也并没有拿到美国大使馆的签证(嗯 毒妇被N个国家拒签了 这是人尽皆知的@- )

1楼2013-05-04 07:58回复

    来自手机贴吧2楼2013-05-04 08:02

      来自手机贴吧3楼2013-05-04 08:06
         @2013的关注 189143楼 2013-05-04 03:03:38
          发信人: hulahut (为什么), 信区: WaterWorld
          标 题: 记忆中1995年春天的孙维
          发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 3 14:23:24 2013, 美东)

        4楼2013-05-04 08:18

          IP属地:湖南来自手机贴吧5楼2013-05-04 08:30

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                  IP属地:中国香港10楼2013-05-04 08:55

                    11楼2013-05-04 09:01

                      12楼2013-05-04 09:09

                        14楼2013-05-04 09:28

                          Robert A. Fink, M.D., F.A.C.S.
                          Today is: 03rd 2013f May

                          Dr. Fink's Main Page | Curriculum Vitae | Medicolegal | Contact

                          The Tao of the Internet
                          by Robert A. Fink, M. D., F.A.C.S.
                          On April 11, 1995, I found in my Internet mailbox a message, in "fractured"
                          English, from a young graduate student at Beijing University in China. It was a
                          message of desperation. It concerned the plight of a fellow graduate student in
                          chemistry, a 21-year-old woman who lay in the Intensive Care Unit of the
                          University Hospital of Peking Union Medical College (PUMC). PUMC is a medical
                          school established by the Rockefeller family in the early part of the twentieth
                          century, and, as the model for Abraham Flexner's seminal report on medical
                          education, perhaps, "the most American of non-American medical schools". A
                          reconstruction of the young woman's case history to that date is as below:
                          In early December, 1994, the patient complained of abdominal pain, cramping,
                          and extremity pain. Extensive tests, including autoimmune studies, thyroid
                          tests, pelvic and abdominal untrasound, skull x-rays, and bone marrow
                          examination were all normal. It was noted that the patient had some
                          abnormalities of her nails, but this was not reported further. She was treated
                          with "traditional Chinese medicine" and was discharged, improved. She
                          subsequently returned to work (in a chemistry lab); we still do not know what
                          chemicals she was working with. An "afterthought" was listed in the report, this
                          a piece of data which was to become critical in the diagnosis of this woman's
                          condition; and that was the fact that, shortly after the onset of the abdominal
                          symptoms on December 8, 1994, the patient's scalp hair fell out, and she "became
                          After a period of improvement (and some re-growth of hair), the patient
                          returned to the hospital with signs of peripheral neuropathy in the extremities,
                          rapidly progressive disturbances in sensorium (and recurrent alopecia),
                          developed multiple cranial nerve palsies, became comatose, and required a
                          ventilator. She also showed muscular spasms, described as "oculogyric crises",
                          and a tracheostomy was performed. Lumbar puncture and MRI studies of the brain
                          were normal, and studies for viruses, including Lyme Disease, were negative. The
                          patient was treated with "shotgun" antibiotics with no improvement.
                          At that point, the author corresponded with the sender of the "distress
                          message". I learned that a number of other physicians, including people from the
                          United States, Canada, Great Britain, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and other
                          countries, were also communicating with the student-sender and several other
                          students at the University. The students in China have Internet connections but,
                          (as we later learned), hospitals and physicians do not. We were forced to engage
                          in our later communication with the medical professionals either by facsimile,
                          which is tightly controlled by the Chinese Government; or by sometimes
                          circuitous person-to-person connections. Information transmitted over the
                          Internet to the students often did not reach the medical professionals who were
                          treating the patient. This was due to the complex hierarchy of the Chinese
                          culture, in which accepting information from "students" is almost as alien to
                          Chinese professionals as is dealing with "outsiders". This lack of direct
                          communication has proven to be the most significant negative factor in this
                          One of the earliest possible diagnoses which came to the mind of the author
                          (and several others of the "outsiders") was that of heavy metal poisoning (the
                          alopecia was the "clue"). We asked if tests had been performed for heavy metals
                          and were assured that such had been done early on. We later discovered that
                          these consisted only of a screen for arsenic!
                          By March 16, 1995, the patient had been in coma for several weeks; and,
                          despite normal cerebrospinal fluid findings, a diagnosis of Guillain-Barre
                          syndrome was made by the Chinese physicians. By April 12, 1995, the patient's
                          condition had not changed, and a repeat lumbar puncture revealed an elevated
                          protein (248 mg.%) and 6 leukocytes. The impression of Guillain-Barre syndrome
                          was reinforced, despite messages from the "outsiders" that this picture was not
                          consistent with Guillain-Barre.
                          At about this same time, the author and John W. Aldis, M.D., a physician
                          working in the U. S. State Department, and formerly the Embassy physician in
                          Beijing, conceived of the idea of thallium poisoning, this after Dr. Aldis was
                          sent an article by Rose Miketta, M. D., a physician with Searle Pharmaceutical
                          Company, explaining the neurotoxic effects of thallium. We again suggested that
                          the patient be checked for thallium poisoning. This recommendation was further
                          backed by others, including Dr. David Bullimore at St. James' Hospital in
                          England, and several other p hysicians in the United States. Yet, two weeks
                          passed before the Chinese physicians decided to perform the thallium study. It
                          required an intervention by personnel at the American Embassy in Beijing, and
                          personal contacts between Dr. Aldis and several o f the PUMC doctors (whom Dr.
                          Aldis had known from his days in Beijing), and faxes of articles directly to the
                          hospital, before the test for thallium was finally run. The results were
                          striking. The patient had levels of thallium in blood, urine, cerebrosp inal
                          fluid, hair, and nails which were more than 50 times higher than "normal"! As to
                          the source of the thallium, this remains unknown; but certain laboratory
                          chemicals contain thallium; and, in the Orient, there are several industrial
                          compounds (includi ng several brands of rat poison) which contain thallium (its
                          use is generally outlawed in the western world).

                          IP属地:中国香港15楼2013-05-04 09:32