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Benedict Cumberbatch's f**king voice is absolute PORN!!!!!Voice porn!!!I do not care how he looks(though he does look good from SOME angles),the only thing that matters to me is that,when he starts narrating his f**king voice just sends a goddamn chill down my spine and my legs turn to jelly!!!OMG OMG OMG *crys*I'm f**king DONE!That VOICE alone can set me off to hell sweet Jesus...My ears are pregnant...
Of course,there's Tom Hiddleston as well...I do not care how he looks either(he also looks good from some angles)OMG his voice.I've been listening to poems he read for months and oh that bloody voice...Strange that I looped a f**king BMW advertisement for half an hour.And when he speaks as Loki god save me how on earth can he manage such a sexy voice...
Adrian Hates!And Adrian Hates!Does he try to oppress people by SINGING!?Listening to his songs is too f**king overwhelming and I end up hating myself EVERY TIME.Evil Germans.He doesn't even need to talk about subjects that deep...and his lyrics.Oh f**k I LOOOOOOOOVE his lyrics,so BEAUUUUUUUUUUTIFUL...He breaks my heart singing"I fail to let you go"...Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Tilo!There's always Tilo!Of course there's always my dear Herr Ghost,my Monarch,a man so HOT even at my father's age.Arrhhhhhh now his speaking voice is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...good?Fabulous?Fascinating?Incredible all in all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE his music I LOVE it.MY LIGHT!MY GUIDING STAR!Oooooooooooooooh....

1楼2013-04-30 20:07回复

    IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端3楼2015-12-01 00:10