1~5 BACAB 6~10 BACBA 11~15 CBAAC 16~20 ACBCA 21~25 ADBAD 26~30 DABCB 31~35 DCADC 56~60 DCADA 66~70DACBA 71-75BCACD 76. ①collect the food ②check to make sure the foodisgood ③sort the food and put it into bags ④deliver the food to peopleinneed 77. has been donated/ given/ offered/ provided/ contributed 78. She wanted to teach her daughter and other kids about philanthropy. 79. 该活动的规模逐年扩大,现在已有十所学校及好几个教堂加入进来。 80. 根据文意合理作答,回答形式和内容要与问题一致。