"All this shouting is horrible for my dead sexy ears," Gimli said, "And when loafers are in forever, I'll wear them on my sexy feet and the sexy shoes will make me sexy FO' EVA!" "Okay! Shut up already!" Legolas said as he brushed his hair for the 4,657 millionth time, "How many times can you say sexy in a sentence?" "Sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy-" "Shut UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!" Aragorn bellowed. Suddenly, the door flew open and banged against the wall. Gandalf the White stood in the doorway, looking very put out. "What is the meaning of this!" Gandalf shouted angrily. "Sexy." Gimli whispered. "We got bored." Legolas said as he flicked his hair. Again. "Besides, fighting all those orcs is HORRIBLE for my complexion." "And my sexy legs." Aragorn threw a pillow at Gimli. It was a very hard pillow. Actually it was a rock. "Owwww…my dead sexy helmet." 纳尼?!Gimli疯掉了!A叔给我一种诡异的感觉= =【叶子我就不评价了……
"Well…" Frodo started, "Remember that night at the Prancing Pony when Aragorn let us sleep in his bed?" "You let hobbits sleep in your bed?" Legolas said. Aragorn messed up his hair, which sent the elf into a frenzy. 还有这个是怎么回事!纳尼?! 【Aragorn messed up his hair, which sent the elf into a frenzy.】尼玛还我家叶子的纯情啊!A叔你在学Gimli么……【sexy什么的……