Kids say no to drugs. Don't act like anyone else does. Then there's really nothing else to say. Drugs are just bad, okay? —— The Kids 苦娃们,别沾毒品啊。别觉得吸毒的人帅气牛逼的样子就盲从。其他的也不知道说啥了,总之:毒品害人!
You can't blame me for dreaming. I'm a dreamer. And if I'm coming off brash please forgive me. But that's all I want.—— Our House 别因我有梦而说我做白日梦。如果我在实现梦想的过程中有浮夸之处,请见谅,我唯一目的就是梦想成真。
When I came out,maybe I gave people a voice like from the other side. People lived in that world & knew what I was talkin' about think I gave'em a voice. 我刚出道的时候好像就代表着社会的阴暗面,只有真正了解这个社会的人才懂我
Don't try to fight the feeling of something that's so organic. You can't ignore it, so don't, just stand before it. - Eminem, So Bad 别老想着去抑制自己内心自然而然的情感,你逃不掉的,所以别做无谓挣扎了,勇敢面对。
Mediocrity can no longer be allowed to fly. So say "BYE" to the old, "HI" to the new. Consider it his last hurrah, the coup de grace.— Cinderella Man 平庸之辈不会活出精彩人生。对过去说bye,向未来说声hi,把每天当做末日来过。
No matter how many knives we put in each other's backs, we'll have each other's backs. Together, we move mountains.——LTWYL Part 2 无论我们伤害对方有多深,我们仍会相濡以沫。我俩在一起,无所畏惧