'Peter and Alice' is a short play at around 90 minutes, but it feels like there are a few hours of material packed into it. If there is a 'dream team' for a production, this could well be it – or, one of them at least. Apart from Dame Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw in the lead roles, the play is directed by Michael Grandage and Christopher Oram is the brains behind the fine design. That line-up alone will be sufficient, I would imagine, to ensure packed houses. And, on the night I saw it, there was indeed a full and appreciative house. However, I found myself unsure and in some ways uneasy about this play. First, there is a lot of information to consider regarding the relationships between Barrie and Peter, and Alice and Carroll. Some of the biographical details are controversial and inconclusive, and subject to much speculation. So I was left wondering just what I could trust in terms of factual accuracy. On the other hand, the concept of examining the relationships between these two authors and their respective muses is both fascinating and intriguing and so it draws one in, just like reading the lurid headlines in the tabloids. However, it means that, yet again, we are intruding into the lives of Peter and Alice, and I found that uncomfortable territory.
Peter and Alice是一出大约90分钟的短剧,但它让人感到几个小时的内容被塞到了里面。如果有一个“梦之队”要制作戏剧,大概就会选这部剧,至少这部剧会成为其中之一。除了扮演主角的Dame Judi Dench和Ben Whishaw,Michael Grandage是该剧的导演,Christopher Oram(注:舞台服装设计)则是那些精美设计的幕后人。我看这个阵容就足以保证上座率了。在我去看这部剧的晚上,剧院果真是座无虚席。但是,我对这部剧并不确定,还有些担忧。首先,关于Barrie和Peter,Alice和Carroll之间的关系,有许多信息需要细思。一些传记里的细节并不确定,有争议,还受猜测的影响,因此我在想在事实的准确性方面我能相信什么。另一方面,审视这两位作家和他们各自的缪斯之间的关系确实趣味无穷又引人入胜,就像阅读通俗小报的那些花里胡哨的标题,因此它能吸引人。但是,再次声明,这部剧意味着,我们进入了Peter和Alice的生活,我从中发现了让人不快的部分。